Philanthropy in Action

Location: International Room, Sterling Memorial Library

Date: Friday, October 12

Time: Lunch at 11:30am. Talk begins at 12:00pm.

Presenter: Maxim Thorne, seminar instructor; Ken Panko, Manager, Digital Humanities

Description: Philanthropy in Action, a seminar taught by Maxim Thorne, provides students with the opportunity to authentically engage in philanthropy. Leveraging a gift from the Once Upon a Time Foundation, students in the course give away $100,000 at the end of the semester. The course originated as a Yale College Seminar in Spring 2012 and is now also offered to students at Yale Law School and Yale School of Management.

Thorne will share his innovative pedagogical approach that challenges students to not only study philanthropy but to also be responsible philanthropists by professionally evaluating and selecting grantees. Thorne and Ken Panko from Yale ITS will also demonstrate how technology is being used to connect the students with non-profit organizations around the world, to gauge the impact of these organizations’ efforts, and to share recordings of students’ conversations with notable philanthropists.

For full coverage of this session, please click the video below
(note a slight delay upon initial playback):

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