Linked Open Data from the Yale Center for British Art

Linked Open Data from the Yale Center for British Art

Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) staff Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass, Collections Data Manager, and Lec Maj, Head of Information Technology, will give introduction to YCBA’s need for linked data, what the future holds and why linked data is important, and explanation of the technology. YCBA began in 2010 by making its Art and Library Collections available online, further exposing metadata to third-party content providers such as ArtStor, Google Art Project, and more. In the last year YCBA staff have been involved in turning the data into Linked Data to join ResearchSpace Project and to provide accessible service for anyone interested in using the data in their applications and research.

For full coverage of this session, please click the video below

Where: Bass Library room L01
When: Wednesday, September 18th; 11.30a for the food, 12pm for the talk

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