Google Earth and ARTStor

Google Earth has many uses within the classroom, but can be especially powerful when coupled with institutional collections and resources. Mia Genoni, Mellon Special Collection Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow & Lecturer in the History of Art, presented about using Google Earth with ARTstor, a digital library of images licensed by the Yale Library for the course Monuments of Naples: City and Self. Google Earth and ARTstor together enhance teaching across a range of subjects including architecture, urbanism, painting, and even sculpture. Mia typically uses Google Earth and ARTStor to orient students to the city of Naples and the relative positioning of buildings to one another. She takes screen shots of various locations in Naples as depicted in Google Earth and imports them into ARTStor’s offline viewer presentation tool. The connections among the architectural photos and the maps of the city allow the students to formulate a detailed mental map of the city. She was joined by one of her students, Rachel Cooke, who discussed the impact of Google Earth and ARTstor on her learning in the course.

For full coverage of this session, please click the video below (note a slight delay upon initial playback):

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