Wikis – TwTT

Next week – October 7
This TwTT session will highlight wikis as teaching tools. A wiki is a page or set of web pages designed to allow anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content. The collaborative online encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best-known wikis. Wikis are now being used to create collaborative websites for teaching purposes.

Matt Regan, Instructional Technologist in the Instructional Technology Group, will introduce wikis and Anders Winroth, Professor of Medieval European History, will discuss his use of a wiki in History 210. Winroth’s, Early Medieval WikiDiki (short for WikiDictionary), is both a useful internet encyclopedia for students studying early medieval Europe and an even more useful learning experience for the students who wrote and edited it. Gloria Hardman, Classes*v2 Support at CMI, will also attend to respond to questions and discuss the collaboration with Professor Winroth in creating the wiki in the Classes*v2 site.

Tuesday from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Bass Library room L01 (lower level of the Bass Library)

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