Listed are opportunities for training sessions available to Yale University Library staff.
Document Remediation Training
The Yale ITS Digital Accessibility Team now offers in-person workshops to create, remediate, and maintain accessible digital Word documents, PowerPoints, and PDFs. The Accessible PDFs: Basic session will be held on dates below.
Accessible Word documents and PDFs: Basics
- Thursday, August 9 from 9-11:00 am in 25 Science Park, room 321
- Wednesday, August 22 from 1-3:00 pm in the Center for Teaching and Learning, room 121
- Thursday, August 30 from 10 am-noon in Cohen Auditorium, Yale Medical School
Sign up for the Accessible Word documents and PDFs: Basics workshop on Yale TMS
Accessible PDFs: Advanced
- Thursday, August 23 from 9-10:30 am in 25 Science Park, room 321
Sign up for the Accessible PDFs: Advanced workshop on Yale TMS.
Content Editor Training (Websites)
Yale ITS offers in-person workshops to create and maintain accessible digital content. This training is general enough that its principles can work on any website on any platform. Upcoming sessions include:
- Tuesday, August 21 from 1-4pm in 25 Science Park room 321
- Wednesday, September 19 from 1-4pm in 25 Science Park room 321
- Friday, October 19 from 9-12am in 25 Science Park room 321
Sign up for the content editor training on Yale TMS.
Library Carpentry Workshop
August 15 and 16, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at 17 Hillhouse, room 07
Please join us for a two-day Library Carpentry Workshop to learn how to:
- automate repetitive, boring, and error-prone tasks
- create, maintain, and analyze sustainable and reusable data
- work effectively with IT and systems colleagues
- better understand the use of software in research and much more.
Library Carpentry introduces participants to the fundamentals of computing and provides a platform for further self-directed learning. This workshop series will introduce ‘Tidy Data,’ OpenRefine, UNIX Shell, and Python. We encourage participants to bring their own laptops, but lab computers will be available.
Registration is open to all Yale library staff, but space is limited. To register, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar.
This workshop series is sponsored by Digital Scholarship Services.
Instructors: Catherine DeRose (Digital Humanities Lab), Joshua Dull (Digital Scholarship), and Kate Nyhan (Medical Library)