Several Library IT staff members attended the YaleSites DrupalCamp on Thursday, March 19. User experience staff attended presentations on determining the goals for a website, website design, information architecture, using YaleSites pre-built features, CSS injectors, creating views for content types, Google Analytics, search, using filters and compare. The topics discussed touched on nearly every aspect of running a Drupal website. Of particular interest to YUL was the presentation on information architecture, as it included in its slide deck a screenshot of our Quicksearch Beta!
An information sharing-event such as YaleSites Drupal Camp is one of the benefits of the library’s participation in the centrally supported web content management system. Library staff are always welcome to attend YaleSites events, and we saw quite a few library staff at the day-long conference. If you are interested in learning more please check out YaleSites Training or look at slides from YaleSites presentations.