“Testing the Imports-As-Market-Discipline Hypothesis,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 35, 1-22, 1993.
“Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium,” with Steve Berry and Ariel Pakes. Econometrica, Vol. 63, No. 4 (July), 841-890, 1995.
“Estimating Markups and Market Conduct with Multidimensional Product Attributes”, (with Robert Feenstra), Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 62, 19-52, 1995.
“Monopolistic Competition and International Trade: Reconsidering the Evidence” with David Hummels. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CX, No. 3 (August), 799-836, 1995. Reprinted in Leamer (ed.) Outstanding Contributions in Economics: International Economics, 2001, Worth, NY.
“Voluntary Export Restraints on Automobiles: Evaluating a Trade Policy,” with Steve Berry and Ariel Pakes, American Economic Review, Vol. 89, No. 3 (June), pp. 400-430, 1999.
“Estimating Production Functions Using Inputs to Control for Unobservables,” with Amil Petrin, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 70(2), No. 243 (April), pp. 317-342, 2003.
“Differentiated Products Demand Systems from a Combination of Micro and Macro Data: The New Car Market,” with Steve Berry and Ariel Pakes, Journal of Political Economy, Volume 112, Number 1, Part 1, February, pp. 68-105, 2004.
“Does Food Aid Harm the Poor? Household Evidence from Ethiopia,” with Margaret McMillan, in Globalization and Poverty, edited by Ann Harrison, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007.
“Incomes in South Africa after the Fall of Apartheid,” with Justin McCrary and Murray Leibbrandt, Journal of Globalization and Development: Vol 1 : Iss. 1, Article 2, 2010.