Author Archives: James Knight

Graphs, Alignments, Variants and Annotations, pt. 2

Instead of heading towards the more theoretic graph design, the day after writing part 1 of what is turning out to be a series, I focused on concrete software changes that might answer the first question I posed in the … Continue reading

Posted in Bioinformatic Scribblings | 5 Comments

Graphs, Alignments, Variants and Annotations, pt. 1

Note:  This post, and following posts, were triggered by the recent post by Heng Li, describing his proposed GFA format for assembly graph data.  After a twitter request for comments, my first tweet was that this was the right person … Continue reading

Posted in Bioinformatic Scribblings | 3 Comments

The Site is Live

The website for the Knight Lab is active and live today.  Now, all we need is some content…here, content, come here…

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