I study the application of machine learning techniques in macroecology. I am particularly interested in the contribution of deep neural networks (deep-learning) applied to large volumes of biogeographical data. My main research has focused on the use of deep-learning in the context of species distribution modeling, exploring the advantages that these models can bring to the field. My current project involves the development of AI models linking micro and macroclimates to synthesize explanatory variables related to individuals’ thermal stress and thermal refugia.

I study the effects of extreme body size on the community ecology, diversity and behavior of non-avian dinosaurs. My research includes large data analysis of dinosaur body size diversity across spatial scales, the role of juvenile megatheropods in the structuring of dinosaur communities, the evolution of skull structure in tyrannosauroids, and the dietary ecology of tyrannosaurids through ontogeny.
I am an ecologist using mathematical and computational tools to understand how biological diversity is maintained in ecosystems. My research has explored feedbacks between ecological communities and their environments, trade-offs that structure ecological competition, and the role of evolutionary history in shaping species interactions. In the Hull lab, I am investigating the effects of dormancy on marine population and community dynamics.

Graduate Students
I am broadly interested in roles of ocean circulation and marine biogeochemistry in modulating the global climate system. Currently my research is focused on the relative roles of ventilation and temperature-dependent remineralization in the North Pacific on the marine carbon cycle during the warm Pliocene. I am using both geochemical proxies for pH and remineralization, as well as data-model comparisons with earth system model simulations to examine these processes.

My dissertation research centers around how both environmental factors and anthropogenic change affect planktonic foram community composition and turnover, and the ways these environmental drivers of community change vary both spatially and temporally. My work is in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean regions, as I am interested in how regional perspectives fit into larger global-scale patterns of change. Though my background is in paleoceanography and micropaleontology, I am currently expanding my focus into modern ecology concepts and working with modern planktic foram assemblages.
I am a third year PhD student in the Hull lab studying the biology of benthic foraminifera. My core interests lie in the understudied aspects of foraminiferal life histories. I came into Yale with a background in their life cycles and associated nuclear and genomic dynamics (Goetz et al., 2022), and through my PhD research, I seek to better understand other difficult, unanswered questions about the mechanisms behind poorly understood foraminiferal biology, including dormancy, through microscopy, genetics, and comparative transcriptomics.

I am broadly interested in wanting to understand the biotic and abiotic factors, micro and macroevolutionary processes, and system dynamics that control patterns of biodiversity through time. As our planet continues to face rapid environmental change, a holistic understanding of the controls on biodiversity is required if we hope to address today’s biodiversity crisis and maintain beneficial ecosystem services.
Undergraduate Students
Chas Bissell
Immanuel (Chas) Bissell is a rising senior in Pierson College. He is interested in how ecosystems adapt (or don’t) during periods of extreme warmth and how these periods drive large-scale evolutionary trends. In the Hull Lab, his research involves using ichthyoliths, tiny fossilized fish teeth and denticles, to understand how fish responded to the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, one of Earth’s more recent and sustained hyperthermals.

Karinne is an undergraduate researcher pursuing a BS in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology on the Biodiversity & the Environment track with aspirations to attend graduate school after Yale. She joined the lab during Fall 2022 as part of the First-Year Seminar: Collections of the Peabody Museum (EVST040). Working with Dr. Elizabeth Sibert, she is continuing her class project in investigating whether tooth morphology can contribute to microfossil teeth classification and support the timing of Cyclothone evolution.
Lab Alumni
Jennifer Kasbohm | NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow | 2020-2024 | Staff Scientist | Carnegie Science |
Anieke Brombacher | 2023-2024 | |||
Elizabeth Sibert | YIBS Hutchinson Fellow | 2020-2023 | Assistant Scientist | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute |
Catherine Davis | YIBS Donnelly Fellow | 2019-2021 | Assistant Professor | North Carolina State University |
Charlotte O’Brien | YIBS Donnelly Fellow | 2016-2018 | Postdoctoral Associate | University College London |
Leanne Elder | Hull Lab & ACS Postdoc | 2016-2017 | Science Technician | New Zealand Arthropod Collection at Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research |
Luke Strotz | Australian Endeavor Fellow | 2016 | Professor | Northwest University, China |
Donald Penman | Flint Postdoctoral Fellow | 2015-2020 | Assistant Professor | Utah State University |
David Evans | Postdoctoral Associate | 2015-2016 | Royal Society University Research Fellow | University of Southampton |
Simon D’haenens | Fulbright & BAEF Fellow | 2014-2016 | Staff in Research Data Management | Universiteit Hasselt |
Allison Hsiang | Yale & ACS Postdoc | 2014-2016 | Researcher | Stockholm University |
Michael Henehan | Hull Lab & YPM Invertebrate Paleontology Postdoc | 2014-2017 | Lecturer | University of Bristol |
Graduate Students
Sophie Westacott | 2016-2022 | Postdoc | University of Bristol |
Daniel Gaskell | 2016-2022 | Postdoc | UC Santa Cruz |
Jack Shaw | 2017-2022 | Academic Advising Coordinator | Colorado School of Mines |
Wayne Strojie | 2018-2020 | Analytical Chemist | Physis Environmental Laboratories, Inc. |
Robin Dawson | 2016-2019 | Postdoc | University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
James Super | 2016-2018 | Associate Editor | Nature Geoscience |
Shuang Zhang | 2015-2017 | Assistant Professor | Texas A&M University |
Jana Burke | 2014-2020 | Postdoc | Michigan State University |