Publication: Oikos Blog
Title: “Costs of living in a nest”
Publication: New Scientist
Title: “The father enigma: Why do nature’s devoted dads care?”
Publication: LiveScience
Title: “Daddy Longlegs Day Care Pays Off in Longer Life, More Sex”
Publication: The New York Times
Tiitle: “Among certain arachnids single fathers attract more mates”
Publication: Lab Spaces
Title: “Single spider dads caring for eggs suffer no disadvantages despite parenting costs”
Publication: Agencia Fapesp
Title: ”Cuidar de ovos é tática de sedução e de sobrevivência para aracnídeo”
(In English: “Taking care for the eggs is a strategy of seduction and survival for arachnids”)
Publication: O Eco
Title: “Bicho que é esperto fica em casa cuidando da cria”
(In English: “Smart guys stay at home taking care for the offspring”)
Publication: Folha de Sao Paulo
Title: “Para aracnídeo, vale a pena ser pai solteiro”
(In English: “To arachnid, it worths to be a single father”)
.Publication: Veja Online
Title: “Pais solteiros de espécie de aracnídeo vivem mais”
(In English: “Single fathers in an arachind species live longer”)