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Personal Details

Name: Gustavo Requena Santos

Citation Name: REQUENA GS




2008 – 2012: PhD. in Ecology, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2006 – 2008: Ms. in Ecology, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Brazil)

2001 – 2004: B.S. in Biological Science, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)


Research Experience

2015 – 2018: Postdoctoral Fellow with Glauco Machado at Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
 – Theoretical and empirical research on the co-evolution between paternity and paternal care

2012 – 2014: Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Suzanne H. Alonzo at Yale University (USA)
 – Game theory modeling to incorporate paternal care into sperm competition framework (using Mathematica)

2011 – 2012: Graduate Internship with Dr. Bryan D. Neff at University of Western Ontario (Canada)
– Molecular biology techniques and paternity analyses

2010 – 2011: Graduate Internship with Dr. Adam G. Jones at Texas A & M University (USA)
– Molecular biology techniques and paternity analyses

2009: Graduate Internship with William G. Eberhard at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panama)
– Behavioral fieldwork about male-female interactions in a sex-role reversed arachnid

2008 – 2012: PhD. with Dr. Glauco Machado at Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
– Population ecology approach to estimate survival costs of care for males in arachnids
– Natural observational and experimental approaches to quantify male reproductive success in arachnids
– Laboratory experimental approach to evaluate the importance of male care and courtship on males’ success
– Statistical approach to analyze data implementing generalized linear mixed models (using R)
– Multi-hypotheses model selection approach based on maximum likelihoods

2006 – 2008: Ms. with Dr. Glauco Machado at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Brazil)
– Experimental approach to quantify offspring survival as a benefit of paternal care in an arachnid

2001 – 2004: Undergraduate honour thesis with Dr. Glauco Machado at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
– Behavioral fieldwork about male-female interactions in an arachnid species with exclusive paternal care


Scientific Production

A) Articles accepted for publication

Quesada-Hidalgo R, Solano D, Requena GS & Machado G. 2019. The good fathers: Efficiency of male care and the protective role of foster parents in a Neotropical arachnid. Anim Behav 150:147-155

Nolazco SP & Requena GS. 2018. Flexible compensation of uniparental care: things are not always what they seem. Anim Behav 143:67-81.

Requena GS & Alonzo SH. 2017. Sperm competition games when males invest in paternal care. Proc Roy Soc B 284:20171266.

Consolmagno RC, Requena GS, Machado G & Brasileiro CA. 2016. Costs and benefits of temporary egg desertion in a rocky shore frog with male-only care. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 70:785-795.

Requena GS & Machado G. 2015. Effects of egg attendance on male mating success in a harvestman with exclusive paternal care. Behav Ecol 26: 926-935.

Requena GS & Alonzo SH. 2014. Female sperm use and storage between fertilization events drive sperm competition and male ejaculate allocation. Evolution 68: 3433-3444.

Requena GS & Machado G. 2015. Lack of costs associated with nest-related behaviors in an arachnid with exclusive paternal care. Oikos 124: 372-380.

Requena GS & Machado G. 2014. Mating behavior of a Neotropical arachnid with exclusive paternal care. Acta Ethol 17: 23-30.

Requena GS, Buzatto BA, Martins EG & Machado G. 2012. Paternal care decreases foraging activity and body condition but does not impose survival costs to caring males in a Neotropical arachnidPlos One. 7:e46701.

Buzatto BA, Requena GS, Lourenço RS, Munguía-Steyer R & Machado G. 2011. Conditional male dimorphism and alternative reproductive tactics in a Neotropical arachnid (Opiliones). Evol Ecol, 25: 331-349.

Requena GS, Nazareth TM, Schwertner CF & Machado G. 2010. First cases of exclusive paternal care in stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Zoologia, 27: 1018-1021.

Requena GS, Buzatto BA, Munguía-Steyer R & Machado G. 2009. Efficiency of uniparental male and female care against egg predators in two closely related syntopic harvestmen. Anim Behav, 78: 1169-1176.

Buzatto BA, Requena GS & Machado G. 2009. Chemical communication in the gregarious psocid Cerastipsocus sivorii (Psocoptera: Psocidae)J Ins Behav, 22: 388-398.

Machado G, Requena GS& Buzatto BA. 2009. Comportamento reprodutivo de opiliões (ARACHNIDA): Sistemas de acasalamento e cuidado parentalOecol Brasil, 13: 58-79.

Buzatto BA, Requena GS, Martins EG & Machado G. 2007. Effects of maternal care on the lifetime reproductive success of females in a neotropical harvestmanJ Anim Ecol, 76: 937-945.

Requena GS, Buzatto BA & Machado G. 2007. Habitat use, phenology, and gregariousness of the Neotropical psocopteran Cerastipsocus sivorii (Psocoptera: Psocidae). Sociobiol, 49: 197-214.

Machado G, Requena GS, Buzatto BA, Osses F & Rossetto LM. 2004. Five new cases of paternal care in harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones): implications for the evolution of male guarding in the Neotropical family Gonyleptidae. Sociobiol, 44: 577-598.


B) Book chapters

Machado G, Requena GS, Toscano-Gadea CA, Stanley S & Macías-Ordoñez R. 2015. Male and female mate choice in harvestmen: general patterns and inferences on the underlying processes. In: “Cryptic Female Choice in Arthropods: Patterns, Mechanisms and Prospects” (Peretti AV & Aisenberg A, eds.), pp 169-201. Springer.

 Requena, G.S., Munguía-Steyer, R. & Machado, G. 2014Paternal care and sexual selection in arthropodsIn: “Sexual selection: Insights from the Neotropics” (Macedo, R.M. & Machado, G. eds.), pp. 201-234. Elsevier.


C) Ongoing Work

 Requena GS. (in revision) Last-male sperm precedence favors male allocation to paternal care.

 Quesada-Hidalgo R, Solano D, Requena GS & Machado G. Why do parental males of the harvestman Quindina limbata reject potential partners? In preparation

 Muniz DG, Requena GS & Machado G. The evolution of female choice in species with male-only care. In preparation

 Alissa LM, Machado G & Requena GS. The role of body condition on males’ attractiveness in Iporangaia pustulosa, a harvestman with male-only care. In preparation

 Montagner V & Requena GS. What is the relative importance of nest structure and body condition on males’ success in the harvestman Magnispina neptunus? In preparation

 Requena GS & Montagner V. Male-male competition for the monopolization of nest sites in the harvestman Magnispina neptunus. In preparation


Grants & Fellowships

2017: Workshop Organization Grant by Gothenburg Centre for Advanced Studies in Science & Technology (Sweden) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences KVA Total = $60,000 kr

2015 – 2017: Research Grant by Fundação Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, Brazil) – Total = R$ 195,352.83

2015 – 2018: Postdoctoral Fellowship by FAPESP (Brazil) – Total = R$ 285,595.47

2014: Early-Career Fellowship by Mountain Lake Biological Station (USA) – Total = US$ 2,400

2012 – 2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil) and Yale administered funding (USA) – Total = US$ 77,000

2011 – 2012: Graduate Grant by Canadian Bureau for International Education (Canada) – Total = CAN$ 10,000

2009: Graduate Grant by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (USA) – Total = US$ 3,500

2008 – 2011: Research Grant by FAPESP (Brazil) – Total = R$ 77,456.58

2008 – 2012: PhD Fellowship by FAPESP (Brazil) – Total = R$ 126,058.83

2006 – 2008: Ms. Fellowship by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior – Total = R$ 27,000

2005 – 2006: Research Grant by FAPESP (Brazil) – Total = R$ 4,900

2003 – 2005: Undergraduate Thesis Fellowship by FAPESP (Brazil) – Total = R$ 7,920


Professional Experience

A) Scientific Committees

2014 – present: Ph.D. thesis committee of Rosannette Quesada (advisor: Dr. Glauco Machado), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2013 – 2014: Master’s dissertation committee of Renato Chaves de Macedo Rego (advisor: Dr. Glauco Machado), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)


B) Committee Member of Thesis/Dissertation Evaluation

2017: Master dissertation of Irina Birskis Barros (advisor: Dr. Paulo Roberto Guimarães Junior), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2017: Master dissertation of Vinícius Leonardo Biffi (advisor: Dr. Renata Pardini), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2017: Master dissertation of Vanessa Bomfim Brito da Silva (advisor: Dr. Paulo Enrique Cardoso Peixoto), Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (Brazil)

2016: Master dissertation proposal of Vivian Heloise Tavares de Sousa (advisor: Dr. Paulo Enrique Cardoso Peixoto), Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (Brazil)

2016: Master dissertation of Gabriela de Lima Marin (advisor: Dr. Renata Pardini), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2016: PhD Qualifying Examination of Bruno Celso Genevcius (advisor: Dr. Cristiano Feldens Schwertner), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2015: PhD thesis of Danilo Germano Muniz da Silva (advisor: Dr. Glauco Machado), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)


C) Ad-hoc Referees

Behavioral Ecology, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Ecological Entomology, Ecology Letters, Ethology, Heredity, Journal of Arachnology, Peerage of Science, Physiological Entomology, Proceedings of the Royal Society – Series B, Scientific Reports, Zoologia


D) Leader of Graduate Studies Group

2016 – 2017: Mathematical modeling for ecologists and evolutionary biologists (with focus on sexual selection studies), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2016: Special topics in parental investment and sexual selection theory, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)


E) Administrative Experience

2016 – 2018: Co-organizer of the workshop “Interplay between parental care and sexual selection”, with Dr. Charlotta Kvarnemo (University of Gothenburg), held in Sweden on February 2018 (details in: here and here)

2017: Panelist for award “Young Arachnologist” in the 5th Latin-American Congress (Brazil)

2016: Panelist for the 24th Simposium of Undergraduate Scientific and Technological Thesis of the Universidade de São Paulo, for Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

2014: Reviewer and panelist for the Small Grant Program’s annual competition, for the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies, Yale University (USA)

2009 – 2011: Organization committee for the weekly seminar “EcoEncontros“, at the Department of Ecology, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

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