Accountability & Decision-making Processes
Ronald A. Cass, Due Process and Delegation: ‘Due Substance’ and Undone Process in the Administrative State (June 2017) [SSRN]
Karen McCullagh, Information Access Rights in FOIA and FOISA – Fit for Purpose? (June 2017) [SSRN]
Wei Wu, Liang Ma, Wenxuan Yu, Government Transparency and Perceived Social Equity: Assessing the Moderating Effect of Citizen Trust in China, 49 (6) Administration & Society (January 2017) [SAGE journals]
Judicial Review
Kent H. Barnett, Christina L. Boyd & Christopher J. Walker, Gaming the Chevron Doctrine? (June 2017) [SSRN]
William S. Dodge, Chevron Deference and Extraterritorial Regulation (June 2017) [SSRN]
Zachary D. Clopton, Justiciability, Federalism, and the Administrative State (June 2017) [SSRN]
Kristin E. Hickman, Administrative Law’s Growing Influence on U.S. Tax Administration (June 2017) [SSRN]
Ilan Wurman, As-Applied Nondelegation (June 2017) [SSRN]
Evan D. Bernick, Is Judicial Deference to Agency Fact-Finding Unlawful? (May 2017) [SSRN]
Executive Department
Daphna Renan, The Law Presidents Make (July 2017) [SSRN]
Mila Sohoni, On Dollars and Deference: Agencies, Spending, and Economic Rights (June 2017) [SSRN]
Jennifer L. Mascott, Constitutionally Conforming Agency Adjudication (June 2017) [SSRN]
Bijal Shah, Interagency Transfers of Adjudication Authority (June 2017) [SSRN]
Zachary S. Price, Funding Restrictions and Separation of Powers (June 2017) [SSRN]
Cass R. Sunstein, The American Nondelegation Doctrine (May 2017) [SSRN]
Legislation/Statutory Interpretation
Samuel Estreicher & David L. Noll, Legislation and the Regulatory State (Carolina Academic Press, 2d ed. 2017) (June 2017) [SSRN]
Administrative Independence
Patrick Corrigan & Richard L. Revesz, The Genesis of Independent Agencies (July 2017) [SSRN]
Juliana Bonacorsi Palma & Bruno M. Salama, Agencies Without the Rooseveltian State: Legal Regime of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil (May 2017) [SSRN]
Modes of Governance and Regulation
Scott Baker & Lewis A. Kornhauser, Delegation Without Commitment: Soft Authority, Red Flags and the Reputational Motivations of Civil Servants (July 2017) [SSRN]
Public Administration
Melissa Mortazavi, Rulemaking Ex Machina (June 2017) [SSRN]
Evan Fox-Decent, Challenges to Public Fiduciary Theory: An Assessment (June 2017) [SSRN]
Financial Regulation
Gabriel Glöckler, Johannes Lindner & Marion Salines, Explaining the sudden creation of a banking supervisor for the euro area, 24 (8) Journal of European Public Policy 1135 (2017) [Taylor & Francis Online]
Joanna Diane Caytas, Regulatory Issues and Challenges Presented by Virtual Currencies (June 2017) [SSRN]
EU Administrative Law
Adriana Bunea & Raimondas Ibenskas, Unveiling patterns of contestation over Better Regulation reforms in the European Union, Public Administration 2017;0:1–16 [Wiley Online]
Christopher A. Cooksey, Juliette Henaff, Lionel Simonet, Alberto Alemanno & Paige Morrow, The Open Government Partnership Beyond the Nation State: The Case of the European Union (June 2017) [SSRN]
Peter L. Lindseth, The Metabolic Constitution: Legitimate Compulsory Mobilization and the Limits of EU Legal Pluralism (June 2017) [SSRN]
Bernardo Rangoni, Regulation after Agencification: Hierarchy and Uncertainty in the Case of Energy (May 2017) [SSRN]