Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Miriam Seifter, Complementary Separations of Power (December 2016) [SSRN]

Aram A. Gavoor & Daniel Miktus, Public Participation in Nonlegislative Rulemaking (December 2016) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Christopher J. Walker, Against Remedial Restraint in Administrative Law (January 2017) [SSRN]

Reflections on Seminole Rock: The Past, Present, and Future of Deference to Agency Regulatory Interpretations (2016) (multiple contributions) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, The Signal and the Noise in Administrative Law (November 2016) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Cary Coglianese & Kristin Firth, Separation of Powers Legitimacy: An Empirical Inquiry into Norms About Executive Power (January 2017) [SSRN]

Craig Forcese, The Executive, the Royal Prerogative and the Constitution (December 2016) [SSRN]

Peter L. Strauss, Politics and Agencies in the Administrative State: The U.S. Case (2016) [SSRN]

Michael Greve, Our Polarized, Presidential Federalism (December 2016) [SSRN]

Rebecca Ingber, The Obama War Powers Legacy and the Internal Forces that Entrench Executive Power (2016) [SSRN]

Ashley Deeks, The Obama Administration, International Law, and Executive Minimalism (December 2016) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Robert Reinstein, The Limits of Congressional Power (December 2016) [SSRN]

Adam M. Dodek, Omnibus Bills: Constitutional Constraints and Legislative Liberations (December 2016) [SSRN]

Kimberly L. Wehle, Defining Lawmaking Power (December 2016) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Jakob de Haan & Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger, The Politics of Central Bank Independence (December 2016) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Cass R. Sunstein, Is Cost-Benefit Analysis a Foreign Language? (January 2017) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese & Jennifer Nash, The Law of the Test: Performance-Based Regulation and Diesel Emissions Control (December 2016) [SSRN]

Zachary D. Clopton, Class Actions and Executive Power (December 2016) [SSRN]

Adam Hill, Why We Misjudge the Nudge (December 2016) [SSRN]

Sidney A. Shapiro, Talking about Regulation: Political Discourse and Regulatory Gridlock (December 2016) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Jens Weiss, Trust as a key for strategic management? The relevance of council–administration relations for NPM-related reforms in German local governments, in Public Management Review (December 2016) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Lorne Sossin, Designing Administrative Justice (2016) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese & Daniel E. Walters, Agenda-Setting in the Regulatory State: Theory and Evidence (November 2016) [SSRN]

Sergei M. Guriev & Daniel Treisman, What Makes Governments Popular (November 2016) [SSRN]

Albertjan Tollenaar, Maintaining Administrative Justice in the Dutch Regulatory Welfare State (2016) [SSRN]

Maurice Yolles, Governance Through Political Bureaucracy: An Agency Approach (2016) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Sarah Lamdan, Beyond the FOIA: Improving Environmental Information Access in the U.S (January 2017) [SSRN]

Ben Boer, Environmental Principles and the Right to a Quality Environment (January 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Andrew Godwin, Steve Kourabas & Ian Ramsay, Twin Peaks and Financial Regulation: The Challenges of Increasing Regulatory Overlap and Expanding Responsibilities (December 2016) [SSRN]

Luca Amorello, Beyond the Horizon of Banking Regulation: What to Expect from Basel IV? (December 2016) [SSRN]

Giuliano G. Castellano & Geneviève Helleringer, Shedding Light on EU Financial Regulators: A Sociological and Psychological Perspective (December 2016) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Markus Haverland, Minou de Ruiter & Steven Van de Walle, Agenda Setting by the European Commission. Seeking Public Opinion? (December 2016) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Gregory Shaffer & Terence C. Halliday, With, Within, and Beyond the State: The Promise and Limits of Transnational Legal Ordering (December 2016) [SSRN]