Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Where is CASPY?
CASPY is held on Yale’s campus. Please stay tuned for the specific location and more information.
Q: How do we register?
Parents on the emailing list will be notified about registration – email to join the emailing list! The registration form can also be on the CASPY website.
Q: How can I make a donation? Where do the donations go?
A: The donations are used to fund CASPY’s activities, purchase supplies, and reserve the Yale facilities needed to host the day’s events. On the day of event, donations can be made at the registration table. Checks and cash are welcome. Please write the check to CASPY. We appreciate your generosity and support.
Q: What if my child and I cannot arrive until after registration time?
A: If you are not able to arrive on Yale Campus by 12 pm, please contact our CASPY coordinator ( or note this on your registration. We will notify your “Big Sib” accordingly so you can still check in and participate in CASPY upon your arrival. However, we do advise that you arrive no later than 1pm, as the first 2 hours of acquaintance and play time are not to be missed!
Q: Where can I find parking at Yale University?
A: The maps on the Directions and Maps page of this website have the parking lots on Yale campus labeled by the symbol P. The lots are paid parking. Also, there is metered parking on the street, but there may be time limits so please check.
Q: Who do we contact if we have additional questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at