Kathleen Eddy
Kathleen’s developed a network for housing the pets of women entering into shelters for domestic abuse survivors. She established the system by working with a local animal shelter and a women’s shelter.
Mirinda Gillespie
Mirinda’s project was Dress for Success, which provides business attire for needy women who are going for job interviews. She contacted unemployment offices and homeless shelters to inform them of her services. She formed a coalition with the local and national Dress for Success affiliates, resources for funds, and collected suits and dress from local businesswomen.
Desiree Gordon
Desiree’s project was Create Anew, which dealt with creating self-appreciation and values in women girls of color in the New Haven community. She facilitated two six-hour sessions where girls expressed their different skills and talents. She also helped build up NPDUM (National People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, an international organization that works to create democratic space for working class people of African communities) in Hew Haven, which gave Create Anew a solid base. As part of her work for NPDUM, she sought to inject issues of gender and children into NPDUM.
Andrea John
Andrea developed SHOUT, the Student Health OUTreach, acquiring a staff of volunteers and securing place at the emergency room of the local St. Rafael hospital. There she and her staff began the process of enrolling hundreds of children for free health care.
Jennifer Nou
Jen’s project EndDV (End Domestic Violence) acquired a staff of volunteers to help women become aware of their legal of rights and of the shelter network.