One of our most distinguishing activities as a campus organization is hosting a different petition every week. Traditionally we “tabled” outside of Commons or inside the Woolsey Rotunda. We do our best to solicit over 100 signatures each week to help end human right violations one issue at a time, always donning our Yale Amnesty t-shirts.
This semester, we’re trying out a new tabling model. Check us out at the Commons rotunda every Friday from 12-2! Each week boasts a different petition on a domestic or international human rights issue. Help get the petitions signed as you are going to catch a meal or just taking a shortcut across campus through Commons. Tell your friends, and sign up for our mailing list to get involved!
For sample petitions and ugent actions, check out the Amnesty USA online activism center.
Petition Archive
We’ve begun our yearly tabling with some very timely and successful petitions. Clink on the links for more information or to sign the petitions yourself.
- Stop the Execution of Reggie Clemmons in Missouri
- Don’t Let Congress Gut the Violence Against Women Act
- Protect Nepalese Migrant Workers from Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking
- Write a letter of support to Malala Yousufzai, who was recently gunned down by Taliban fighters who also injured two of her friends, Shazia Ramzan and Kainat Ahmed, for supporting girls’ education
- Tell the Obama Administration: Charge or release Guantanamo detainee Hussain Almerfedi
- Tell Forever 21 to Stop Forced Child Labor in Cotton!
- Stop Death Squads in Honduras
- Free Herman Wallace from Louisiana Penitentiary