
Syntactic variation in American English

Dissertation Research


Yale Grammatical Diversity Project

  • “Grammatical Diversity in the US.” Presentation, Friday Lunch Talk, Yale University (Sep. 2011) [with N. Huang, Z. Maher, R. Zanuttini]
  • “Toward an atlas of micro-syntactic variation in varieties of English.” Presentation, Friday Lunch Talk, Yale University (Feb. 2011) [with N. Huang, Z. Maher, R. Zanuttini]
  • “Toward an atlas of micro-syntactic variation in varieties of English.”  Presentation, LSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh (Jan. 2011) [with N. Huang, Z. Maher, R. Zanuttini]

Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Science

In my qualifying paper, I trained a connectionist model on local wh-movement to generalize to long-distance movement.

  • “The Acquisition of Wh-movement by Simple Recurrent Networks.” Presentation, Friday Lunch Talk, Yale University (Dec. 2012) [Qualifying paper]

In the computational and cognitive science classes I’ve taken at Yale, I conducted experiments modeling computational processes and I refined the models on the basis of insights from human behavioral data. For the modeling and statistical analyses, I used Python, R, Matlab, Haskell, and Prolog.

Additional research

  • “Reanalyzing verb movement in Romanian compound tenses.” Presentation, SYNC Conference, Stony Brook University (Dec. 2010)
  • “Left vs Right Dislocation in Romanian.” Presentation, Linguistics Students Symposium, Concordia University (Mar. 2009)
  • “The Puzzle of (Dis)agreement in Marshallese Unaccusative Sentences.”  Poster, Undergraduate Research Day, Concordia University (Apr. 2008)
  • “(Dis)agreement of Postverbal Subjects in Marshallese Intransitives.”  Presentation, McGill’s Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates, McGill University (Mar. 2008)
  • “Topic and Focus Interpretations of Leftward Subjects in Romanian.”  Presentation, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics Fall Symposium, Concordia University (Dec. 2007)
  • “An analysis of Dislocated Subjects in Romanian.”  Presentation, Concordia Undergraduate Syntax Workshop, Concordia University (Nov. 2007)