Started in the summer of 2014, the Knight Lab holds a joint appointment with the Department of Genetics and the Yale Center for Genome Analysis. Its focus in the Genetics department is the alignment, variant calling and annotation of exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing datasets, both for cohorts of research samples and for individual clinical samples. The lab’s focus for the YCGA is providing bioinformatics support to Yale (and non-Yale) investigators who utilize YCGA’s next-generation sequencing facility, as detailed on the YCGA page.
You can descriptions and documentation on our software tools in Software, or read our Bioinformatic Scribblings blog posts. If you are at Yale, and have access to its Ruddle compute cluster, the Ruddle pages provide a number of tutorials and tips for running bioinformatics tools on the cluster, and where to find everything. (If you are not at Yale, feel free to browse as much of the content could still be applicable to you, but the descriptions are specific to the Ruddle environment.)