Articles & Chapters


Petroprotein Dreams: Hydrocarbon Biotechnology and Microbial Lifeworlds in the Middle East. Pp 198-220 in Lifeworlds of Middle Eastern Oil: Histories and Ethnographies of Black Gold, ed. Mandana Limbert and Nelida Fuccaro. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press. LINK

Pigs, Wheat, Whales, and other Nonhumans in Russia and the Soviet Union. The Russian Review 82 (2): 314-319. LINK


Introduction: The Imperial Russian Corporation in and beyond Economic History. The Russian Review 81(2): 407-420. [Introduction to a theme issue on imperial Russian corporations, co-authored with Amanda G. Gregg]. LINK


The Corporation in Russia. Laboratorium: The Russian Review of Social Research 13(1): 4-19. [Introduction to a theme issue on Soviet and Russian corporations.] LINK

Resuming Field Research in Pandemic Times, Redux: A View from Inside a “Research Reactivation” Committee. SSRC Items online. May, 2021. LINK


“Постсоциализм” и “Глобальный Восток” [“Postsocialism” and the “Global East”] Commentary on Martin Müller’s “In Search of the Global East,” Социологическое Обозрение / The Russian Sociological Review 19 (3). LINK

Resuming Field Research in Pandemic Times. SSRC Items online, with Elisabeth Wood, K. Sivaramakrishnan, and Rene Almeling. May, 2020. LINK

Sonja Luehrmann beyond Religion and beyond Russia. In “Unfinished Conversations: A Tribute to Sonja Luehrmann (1975-2019),” edited by Angie Heo and Jeanne Kormina. History and Anthropology, January 2020. LINK.


Energy Materiality: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to a Chaotic Concept. Energy Research & Social Science. (Co-authored with Margarita Balmaceda, Corey Johnson, Heiko Pleins, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, and Per Högselius). vol 56, October 2019. LINK.

Bringing Oil to Life: Corporations and Conspiracies in Russian Oil Documentaries. Slavic Review 78(1): 50-73. LINK.

The Spaces of Old Belief in the Upper Kama (20th Century). Pp. 675-684 In Язык, книга, и традиционная культура познего русского средневековья в науке, музейной и библотечной работе. Ed. И.В. Поздеева, Ю.С. Белянкин, and Н.В. Литвина. Moscow: Arkheodoksia. LINK

Book Forum on Tomas Matza’s Shock Therapy: Psychology, Precarity, and Well-Being in Postsocialist Russia. Somatosphere. LINK.

Reservoir. Post in the Series “Volumetric Sovereignty,” edited by Franck Billé, Society and Space website, March 12, 2019. LINK.

Петробартер: нефть, неравенство и политическое воображаемое в период «холодной войны» и после ее окончания. In Неприкосновенный запас. Дебаты о политике и культуре, No. 126, 4/2019. Новое Литературное Обозрение. Special Issue of NLO on “The Phenomenology of Oil,” edited by Il’ya Kalinin. [Translation of “Petrobarter,” from Current Anthropology 2014]. LINK.

Bilbao on the Kama? The Perm Cultural Project and Its Critics. Part 2. Вестник Пермского Университета. Серия Политология. 13(2). [Reprint of Chapter 8 of The Depths of Russia.] LINK.

Bilbao on the Kama? The Perm Cultural Project and Its Critics. Part 1. Вестник Пермского Университета. Серия Политология. 13(1). [Reprint of Chapter 8 of The Depths of Russia.]


Postsocialisms, Anthropology of, Wiley International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. (Co-authored with Elizabeth Dunn and Katherine Verdery). LINK.

Decentralizing Energy. Post in the Series “De-provincializing Development,” American Anthropologist website, July 3, 2018. (Co-authored with Myles Lennon) LINK.

U.S. Energy and Politics through a Russian Lens. Post in the Series “Lessons for Liberalism from the ‘Illiberal East,'” Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology website, April 25, 2018. LINK


Comment on Michael David-Fox, “Modernity in the USSR and Russia: None, Shared, Alternative, or Entangled?” Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie 140 (4/2016) LINK

Comment on Chris Hann, “A Concept of Eurasia,” Current Anthropology 57(1). LINK


Oil and Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 44:365-80. LINK

Deep Oil and Deep Culture in the Russian Urals. Pp. 61-71 in Subterranean Estates: Life Worlds of Oil and Gas, edited by Hannah Appel, Arthur Mason, and Michael Watts. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. PDF


Petrobarter: Oil, Inequality, and the Political Imagination in and after the Cold War. [With commentaries by Alex Golub, Jane Guyer, Engseng Ho, Bill Maurer, Stephanie Rupp, Naomi Schiller, and Michael Watts.] Current Anthropology 55(2): 131-153. PDF

Energopolitical Russia: Corporation, State, and the Rise of Social and Cultural Projects. Anthropological Quarterly 87(2): 431-452. PDF

The Oil Company and the Crafts Fair: From Povsednevnost’ to Byt in Postsocialist Russia. Pp. 71-93 in Everyday Life in Russia: Subjectivities, Perspectives, and Lived Experience, edited by Mary Cavender, Choi Chatterjee, Karen Petrone, and David L. Ransel. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Thane Gustafson’s Wheel of Fortune and the Study of Post-Soviet Oil. Russian History 41: 513-527. PDF


Postsocialist Societies: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (co-authored with Katherine Verdery). Pp. 439-455 in The Handbook of Sociocultural Anthropology, edited by James G. Carrier and Deborah B. Gewertz. London: Bloomsbury. PDF


The Materiality of the Corporation: Oil, Gas, and Corporate Social Technologies in the Remaking of a Russian Region. American Ethnologist 39(2): 284-296. PDF


Certainty and Vulnerability in Oil Boom Russia. Anthropology Now 3(2): 10-16. PDF

Fixers in Motion: A Conversation (co-authored with Craig Jeffrey, Christine Philliou, and Andrew Shryock). Comparative Studies in Society and History 53(3): 692-707. PDF

Старая Вера и Русская Земля: История и Этика на Урале  [The Old Faith and the Russian Land: History and Ethics in the Urals]. Pp. 353-362 In Language, Book, and Traditional Culture of the Late Middle Ages in the Life of the Time, in Science, and in the Museum and Library Work of the Twenty-First Century, ed I.V. Pozdeeva, The World of Old Belief, volume 8. Moscow. PDF

Oil into Culture: Energopolitics in the Russian Urals. Anthropology News 52(5): 7. PDF


Postsocialisms Unbound: Connections, Critiques, Comparisons. Slavic Review 69(1): 1-15. PDF

Epilogue: Ex Oriente Lux, Once Again? Pp. 351-360 in Eastern Christianities in Anthropological Perspective, edited by Chris Hann and Hermann Goltz. University of California Press “Anthropology of Christianities” Series. PDF


Old Belief between “Society” and “Culture”: Remaking Moral Communities and Inequalities on a Former State Farm. In Religion, Morality, and Community in Post-Soviet Societies, edited by Mark D. Steinberg and Catherine Wanner, pp. 115-147. Bloomington: Indiana University Press and Woodrow Wilson Center Press.


How to Be a Khoziain in a Transforming State: State Formation and the Ethics of Governance in Post-Soviet Russia. Comparative Studies in Society and History 48(4): 915-945. PDF

Historical Anthropology Meets Soviet History. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 7(3): 633-649. PDF


Moonshine, Money, and the Politics of Liquidity in Rural Russia. American Ethnologist 32(1): 63-81. PDF

The Anthropology of Religion after Socialism. Religion, State, and Society 33(1): 5-18. PDF


Protecting the Young, Sending Off the Dead: Old Belief And “Religious Revival” In The Russian Urals. Anthropology Of East Europe Review 21(2): 37-40.