Graduate Students & Postdocs

Current graduate student advisees:

Elena Adasheva-Klein
Tauren Nelson


It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as adviser, co-adviser, or dissertation committee member for the following Yale PhD students (click on names for current positions):

Ali Abdi
Omolade Adunbi
Samar al-Bulushi
Lauren Baker
Aina Begim
Sierra Bell
Deepti Chatti
Adrienne Cohen
Michael Degani
Fabrizio Fenghi
Susanna Fioratta
Isaac Gagne
Ryan Jobson
Amy Johnson
Csilla Kalocsai
David Kneas
Rachel Naa-Du Laryea
Myles LennonRundong Ning
Jacob Rinck
Maria Sidorkina


I have hosted the following postdoctoral fellows in the REEES Program at Yale’s Macmillan Center (click on names for current positions):

Cassandra Hartblay
Dominic Martin
Lauren Woodard