- Member & Guide, “HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed” (The Working and Studying Youth): A youth movement dedicated to the equality of human value, democracy, Zionism, peace, and social justice (1999-2008).
- Counselor, “Alonim” Jewish Summer Camp: Served as a representative of the Jewish Agency for Israel in an overnight Jewish summer camp (Brandeis, California, USA). Served as Head of “Ropes” Staff (e.g., Climbing wall, Alpine tower), and worked with children of all ages in English (2012).
- Participant, “Taglit” Birthright Project: A Zionist initiative for creation and strengthening of ties between Jews in the Diaspora and the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Participated four times: once as a solider (2011), twice as a security guard & medic (2012), and once as a student in (2015).
- Participant, “Buddy System” Program: Integration of international students within the student society on campus and outside it, Tel Aviv University (2014-2015).
- Participant & Organizer, “International Week” (IW): Worldwide network of student unions and student organizations promoting intercultural exchanges. Participated in IW Warsaw (Poland) as the Israeli representative, on behalf of Tel Aviv University (2015). Organized and hosted IW Tel Aviv (Israel) during 4 consecutive years (2016-2019).
- Head Coordinator, “Partners” Program: Led activities and intellectual discussions in a mixed group of 15 Israeli students from Tel Aviv University and 15 young international Jewish academics. In cooperation with Tel Aviv University Student Union and “Massa” Program of the Jewish Agency (2018).
- Volunteer, “Israeli Solidarity” Organization: Provided food and medications for elderly and disadvantaged, and telephone support for elderly and people in social isolation (2020-2021).