Current Positions
- 2023-present: PTSD Special Interest Group (SIG) Member, The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).
- Focusing on all stages of career mentorship, dissemination of PTSD research, and advancement of quality patient care.
Providing a venue for networking across disciplines and forming new collaborations.
- 2023-present: Early Career Professionals and Students Special Interest Group (SIG) Member, The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).
- Supporting ADAA’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity within the mental health field.
- Organizing events for education, research mentoring, and networking of young researchers.
- 2021-present: Wu Tsai Institute (WTI) Student/Postdoc Committee Member, Yale University
- Organizing professional and social activities of importance to WTI trainees
- Meeting with WTI leadership to discuss policies and programs
- Helping with outreach and welcoming new members. Yale University, 2021-Current.
Past Positions
- 2022-2023: Faculty-Postdoc Mentoring Program, Yale Postdoctoral Association (YPA)
- Mentee of Prof. Junjie Guo, Assistant Professor in Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine.
- 2021- 2023: Regional Manager – Yale University at “ScienceAbroad”, The Organization of Israeli Scientists Abroad.
- Organizing scientific talks and discussions.
- Developing collaborations with local organizations.
- Planning and organizing social and networking events.
- 2021-2023: International Online Mentorship Program, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)
- Mentor of Paulina Lewandowska, Jagiellonian University, Poland.
- Mentee of Prof. Adeel Razi, Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Australia.
- 2021-2023: Racial Justice Subcommittee Member, Yale Postdoctoral Association (YPA), Yale University
- Creating a diverse, inclusive and supportive community of postdocs.
- Organizing events, host speakers and workshops.
- Facilitating discussions of race and racism within the post-doc community.
- Supporting local activism & fundraises for racial justice initiatives in the New Haven community.
- 2021-2023: Symposium Committee Member, Yale Postdoctoral Association (YPA), Yale University
- Advertising the Symposium and manage registration/abstract submissions.
- Organizing location, food, keynote speakers and the event program.
- Obtaining a panel of independent judges from around Yale.
- Providing workshops to help postdocs prepare for their talks and/or posters.
- Managing and supporting the running of the event on the day.
- 2018-2021: Student Ambassador at the Human Brain Project (HBP), Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Project of the European Union (EU).
- Represented the needs of the student community of the HBP.
- 2018-2021: Student Representative at the HBP Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee, Horizon 2020 FET Flagship Project of the EU.
- Advanced gender equality and diversity in research teams, and promoted awareness of gender equality in research.
- 2019 – 2020: HBP High Potential Mentoring Program for Early Career Stage Scientists, Horizon 2020 FET Flagship Project of the EU.
- Mentee of Prof. Katrin Amunts, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf & Forschungszentrum Jülich.