Attention Authors:

SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: January 15th, 2018 at 11:59PM

The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology (YRURP) welcomes submissions of research articles, literature reviews, and other scientific writing in the field of psychology. Our journal staff is prepared to review submissions in the following areas:

  • neuroscience (including behavioral and animal)
  • clinical psychology
  • cognitive psychology/ cognitive science
  • developmental psychology
  • social & personality psychology

Submissions in other areas related to psychology (for example: educational psychology, psychology and the law, and so on) will also be considered.


Please read the following carefully. Submissions failing to meet these criteria will either be rejected or met with delayed review.

Author eligibility

  • The lead author must have conducted her or his research while an undergraduate (or equivalent) student at an accredited college or university anywhere in the world. The submission itself must have been composed no later than six (6) months after the author’s commencement or graduation ceremony. This extended timeframe is to accommodate research conducted during senior year.
  • While the lead author must be an undergraduate (or have been an undergraduate when the research was conducted; see above), additional authors may be graduate students or even faculty.

    For a useful guide on authorship, please see

(courtesy of Brian Scholl, The Yale Perception and Cognition Laboratory)

  • IMPORTANT: If there are multiple authors listed on a paper, each author must agree on the final version of the manuscript. This can be a critical issue in a case where a student submits a manuscript and gets accepted when the faculty member or a graduate student intends to submit it to a different journal.
  • Editorial Policy: papers submitted to the Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology will be reviewed using a BLIND REVIEW procedure. Reviewers will not know the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.
  • Eligibility is not limited to students pursuing a degree in psychology or a related field. Any student who meets the above requirements is invited to submit, provided her or his submission meets the criteria described below:

Submission requirements

  • Research may be of either an empirical nature or more theoretical, as in a literature review. The work presented must be original, unpublished, and the author’s own.
  • While authors are free to submit to multiple journals, they must immediately notify the Editors-in-Chief of the YRURP if their work is going to be published elsewhere, at which point it will be removed from our consideration. If an author accepts an offer to be published in the YRURP she or he must immediately withdraw from consideration at other journals and transfer the exclusive copyright to the YRURP.

Format and Length:

The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology will consider three types of submissions:

  • Theoretical/Literature Review:
    • This type of submission may (1) give perspectives on curent problems, issues, or new developments in the field of psychology; (2) review and synthesize literature in the field of psychology, and/or (3) present new/emergent theoretical frameworks in the field of psychology. Senior theses and comprehensive projects would be appropriate submissions in this category.
  • Empirical Research Paper:
    • This type of submission should follow the classic format of an empirical psychology journal article, with an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.
  • Short Report:
    • This type of submission is expected to present new and innovative empirical research in a concise format.
  • Page numbers are flexible and other types of submissions will be considered, provided that they are APA formatted. Clear, parsimonious writing is expected in all cases.
  • Submissions must be formatted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc) and according to the guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association For an online guide to APA formatting, feel free to review the following resources:

  • Submissions should include sections in the following order (all one Word document):
    1. A cover page, including the following information:
      • Lead Author Name, Class of (Year of Graduation)
      • College or University Affiliation
      • Email Address
      • Mailing Address
      • Second (and Third, etc.) Author Information – as above
      • Research Conducted Under (Name of Faculty Supervisor)
      • Research Area: (e.g., Clinical, Neuroscience, Cognitive…)

*Note: please do not include your name or identifying
information anywhere but the cover page

    1. The following sections, in APA format:
      • Title Page
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Discussion
      • References
      • Appendix, including figures, graphs, etc. (as necessary)


Fill out and sign (type your name) this YRURP Submission Waiver Attach (1) the Submission Application and Waiver form and (2) your Microsoft Word formatted submission (see format requirements above) to an email with the subject “Submission”. Send the email to by January 15th, 2018 at 11:59 pm.

Editorial Policy

Papers submitted to the Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology will be reviewed using a BLIND REVIEW procedure. Reviewers will not know the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.


Email the Editors-in-Chief at



© 2018 The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology, Yale University