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2014 Articles (View full issue)
Amanda Irion, University of California, Berkeley
Belief Behind the Scars: The Role of Entity Beliefs About Emotion in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
Yoonha Jeong, Princeton University
Effects of Activated Self-Concepts on Advertisement and Brand Attitudes
Jiedi Lei, University of Cambridge
Investigating the Cognitive Enhancing Effects of Modafinil in Rats Using a Novel Self-Ordered Sequencing Touchscreen Task
Junfeng Liu, University of Cambridge
How Does NREM Sleep Affect the Consolidation of Declarative Memories?
Megan Meads, Carleton College
The Effects of Internal and External Expressions of Felt Luck On Performance
Casey Snyder, Wake Forest University
The Psychological Effects and Cultural Implications of Female Genital Mutilation: A Literature Review
Michael Kuan Hua Wu, University of Michigan
Mapping a Novel Hedonic Hotspot in the Orbitofrontal Cortex