What is truly important…in the New Year?
At this time of the year, we all look back at the past year, what happened, what did not happen, what we will change in the upcoming year and everyone thinks about going on a diet! But what is truly important?
Good question, huh? What is important to one may not be so important to another, right? But what if that “important” was bothering you and you are unable or afraid to talk about it or bring it to someone’s attention?
Some problems or issues can be as small as a grain of sand but depending on the problem or issue that is bothering you, it can feel like the size of Mount Rushmore. Am I right? And what if the issue/problem/stress is just too much to handle? What do you do? There is always a huge relief to talk things out, get feedback/advice/suggestions. When you talk out loud and actually hear what you are talking about, it may help. You may find you feel better and possibly at the same time, find that it can be worked out.
January starts off a new year…let’s try and find things that make us happy, ease the stress, talk things out and to those who can help, etc. Let’s start off the new year on an upbeat note which can only bring positive vibes for the upcoming year!
Spring term 2014, the financial literacy sessions resume (four in total). Two significant sessions that should not be missed are about Yale Law’s Loan Repayment Assistance Program – COAP…Session I – Coping through COAP, Monday, March 24th (giving you the basics on the process) and Session II – COAP in Action, Wednesday, March 26th (giving you a more detailed narrative on how it works for you and your household). For those of you who are 3Ls…be sure NOT to miss either one! As always, great food will be served!
Spring is also the time 1Ls and 2Ls are getting ready to finish out the term and looking forward to summer. Possibly thinking of using summer funding (SPIF) for the public interest, non-profit positions…2Ls may repeat SPIF or may want to venture into a firm position and 3Ls are getting excited because spring term 2014 is all that is left before graduation! Believe it? Three years here at Yale Law are coming to an end. The next chapter of your lives will soon begin.
For 3Ls, it would be in your best interest to make an appointment to meet with the Director of the Financial Aid Office, Jill Stone, who will review your loan debt, the repayment process, repayment plans (which is best for you), know what to expect after graduation, COAP, etc., which can all be tricky especially if you are new to the repayment process. Jill has posted a new blog for our 3Ls in regard to all that I just mentioned. Please review; make an appointment and be sure to bring all of your questions!
The Financial Aid Office is always here to help. Please call or visit us at anytime…our door is always open. We are located straight across the courtyard, up the stairs, pass the childcare center…once through the door…you will find us straight ahead! Visitors are welcome at all times!
Happy New Year…we are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Kellie signing out…