The Yale Journal of Law & Liberation encourages submissions from academics and practitioners engaging with civil rights, liberation, abolition, social justice, Critical Legal Studies, Critical Race Studies, decolonial studies, and related topics.
We are currently accepting submissions for Volume 5! Please follow the guidelines below for your manuscript to be considered.
Submission Method
The primary method for submitting your manuscript is through Scholastica. If you need further assistance with the platform, you can review this guide.
If you have issues with this platform, you may email your submission to
(Note: Students should NOT send their submissions to this email. Review our student submissions guidelines for further assistance.)
If you have received a formal offer of publication from another journal and would like to receive an expedited review, please notify us via the Scholastica service. For those who submitted via email, put “Expedite” in the subject of your email and include the following in the body of the email:
- The name of the journal that has extended the offer to you
- The date that the offer expires
YJLL will do its best to honor requests for expedited review for submissions that follow the guidelines above.
If you wish to withdraw, please contact us via email with “Withdraw” in the subject line along with the author name and title of your manuscript.