The symposium, organized by the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University, intends to examine the challenges facing the Yazidi people in the wake of the attempted genocide against the Yazidi initiated by ISIL in August 2014. Presentations may explore novel conceptual and theoretical approaches as well as case studies with broader implications. The three main themes of the symposium are:
Focusing on strategies to pursue the perpetrators of the genocide
Focusing on the challenges facing asylum-seekers abroad, and risks to the community in Iraq
Focusing on the need to preserve and promote Yazidi culture and society, and the strategies for doing so
The symposium will begin with a keynote address featuring Nadia Murad, Yazidi Activist and recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize in conversation with Naomi Kikoler, acting director of the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide on April 18. Register here.
The symposium will continue with a full day of panels on April 19. A full schedule can be found on the here.