testimonio laborum · in haec aedificia struenda · ab ipsīs studiosis collatorum As evidence of the labors that were contributed by the students themselves for the construction of these buildings. Branford College, Courtyard Entryway K (Formerly Evarts Entry in the Memorial Quadrangle), 74 High Street
YCI 11: Joseph Battell Memorial (Battell Chapel)
In memoriam Josephi Battell qui die XVII Apr. A.D. MDCCCVI natus mortuus est VIII Jul. A.D. MDCCCLXXIV Eum et reverenter coluisse deum et alienis utilitatibus penitus studuisse semper sit documento hæc aedes sacra Neque minus in memoria est tenenda dilecta illius soror Irene Larned Guilielmi Augusti Larned uxor quae vitam suam suavissimis quasi morum harmoniis et fide plenam ad exitum perduxit die V Maii A.D. MDCCCLXXVII annos nata LXV In memory of Joseph Battell, who was born on the 17th day of April in the year of our Lord 1806, and who died on the 8th day of July in the year of our Lord 1874. May this holy chapel always serve as proof that he both worshipped God reverently and dedicated himself deeply to the common good. And no less must his dear sister Irene Larned be held in memory, wife of William Augustus Larned, who conducted her life as if full of faith and sweetest harmonies of character, until its end on the 5th day of May in the year of our Lord 1877; she lived for 65 years. Battell Chapel, 400 College Street
NHI 1: Midnight Mary (Evergreen Cemetery)
The people shall be troubled at midnight and pass away.
At high noon, just from, and about to renew
her daily work, in her full strength of
body and mind,
Mary E. Hart,
having fallen prostrate,
remained unconscious, until she died at midnight.
October 15, 1872.
Born December 16, 1824.
Evergreen Cemetery, 769 Ella T Grasso Blvd, New Haven, CT
Evergreen Avenue, Plot 50, Grave 4
YCI 10: The Seal of Yale College and Soldiers’ Memorial
LUX ET VERITAS SIGILL COLL YALEN NOV PORT NOV ANGL Light and Truth The Seal of Yale College, New Haven, New England Schwarzman Center, Rotunda, 168 Grove Street
YCI 9: Tribute to Miriam A. Osborn (Osborn Memorial Laboratories)
Osborn Memorial Laboratories + Memoriae Miriam Adelinae Osborn consecraverunt + A·D mdccccxii · mdccccxiii socii Universitatis Yalensis una cum curatoribus rerum ab ea legatarum quae ante diem xvii kal Maias A·D mdcccxI nata pridie Idus Martias + A·D mdcccxci decessit + The associates of Yale University in company with the overseers of the things bequeathed by her consecrated Osborn Memorial Laboratories in the years of Our Lord 1912-1913 to the memory of Miriam Adeline Osborn who was born April 15th in the year of Our Lord 1840 (and) died March 14th in the year of Our Lord 1891. Osborn Memorial Laboratories, 165 Prospect Street
YCI 8: Elihu Yale Memorial (Bingham Hall)
: COLL : YALEN : NOV : PORT : NOV : ANGL : SIGILL : 1643 1721 ELIHU YALE Seal of Yale College in New Haven in New England Elihu Yale, 1643-1721 Bingham Hall, Entryway D, 300 College Street
YCI 7: Qui Transtulit Sustinet (Porter Gate, Cross Campus)
Qui transtulit sustinet He who transplanted us, sustains us Porter Gate, Cross Campus
YCI 6: College House Memorial (Bingham Hall)
The first building of Yale College was erected near this spot in 1718 and removed in 1782. To commemorate the site, this table is placed by the students of Yale University. 1901 Gentis cunabula nostrae The cradle of our people 300 College Street, Bingham Hall
YCI 5: Edward A. Bouchet Memorial (Saybrook College)
Edward A. Bouchet Class of 1874 First African-American Ph.D. in U.S. 1876 Saybrook College, 242 Elm Street (above the entryway to the Dean's Office in the Saybrook courtyard)
YCI 4: Linonia Court (Branford College)
amicitia concordia soli noscimus we alone learn in friendship (and) harmony Linonia Court. The Literary & Debating Society Linonia was founded in 1753. In 1871, its Library with that of Brothers in Unity became part of the College Library 74 High Street, Branford College (Linonia Court)