Princeton Hydra Release: Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera
Recent Announcement from Princeton:
We’ve finally soft launched our first public application that is serving content from Hydra: There is still some tweaking to do to Solr and the CSS, but we’re getting close. Staff have been adding data to this application at a rate of 150-300 items per month since for about 6 months now, and we expect to be at a consistent rate of 300/month or more by the summer.
This public interface has some features that may not be obvious to the average end-user:
* All of the images are served via IIIIF (e.g.,/0/default.jpg)
* The individual catalog pages are displaying data drawn from IIIF Presentation manifests: (and, as you can see, also available as IIIF Manifests)
* All of the data is also available as RDF, e.g.: