New Hydra Adopter: Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF)
Recent post to the Hydra Community:
We wanted to let the Hydra community know that the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) in Philadelphia has decided to adopt Hydra as our repository solution. CHF is a library, museum and center for scholars, and we’re interested in building a central repository for our diverse digital assets (photographs, books, archival collections, fine art, oral histories, and museum objects). We’re a small cultural heritage institution with a digital collections team of three (Michelle=Curator, Anna=Developer and Cat=Metadata).
Our plan is to begin with Sufia running Fedora 4 to create a basic image collection for our photographs and 2D book scans. We’ll then be exploring more complicated project phases, which will include replacing or integrating with our museum’s CMS, integrating archival objects and EAD finding aids that currently live in ArchivesSpace, and ingesting complex objects with unique issues, like our oral histories. We’re also really interested in exploring Spotlight as an exhibition tool and in the possibility of future integration with Archivematica (or something similar) to develop preservation functionality.
We wanted to thank Data Curation Experts and Temple University for talking with us during our decision-making phase! We’re very excited to get involved in the Hydra community!
With thanks,
Michelle DiMeo
Curator of Digital Collections
Chemical Heritage Foundation