
[2024.09] We are hosting the MS/MPH students at Yale School of Public Health in Health Informatics and Biostatistics. Talented students are encouraged to apply!

[2024.09] Xiaofeng joined the Department of Biomedical Informatics & Data Science at Yale.

[2024.07] Xiaofeng joined Yale’s interdepartmental PhD and MS programs in Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics (CBB). Students at BME or the other SEAS departments are also welcome. Talented students are encouraged to apply!

[2024.06] We received the Google Cloud Research Credits.

[2024.06] Xiaofeng became a member of the Yale Institute for Foundations of Data Science (FDS), a hub for interdisciplinary research on mathematical, algorithmic, and statistical foundations of data science.

[2024.05] We are selected in the first 35 projects of the NSF National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Award.

[2024.04] We received the NIH/NIBIB Trailblazer R21 Award for 3 years.

[2024.03] Xiaofeng will continuously serve as Area Chair at MICCAI 2024.

[2024.03] Xiaofeng is serving as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems [TNNLS]. Welcome for the submissions related to the generalizable, fair, and trustworthy AI, as well as applications in medical image.

[2024.03] We moved to Yale

“Old” news at MGH/HMS