
Hello there! Welcome to my website!

My name is Xin Yang, and I usually go by Kate. These days, when I am not doing research, you can always find me climbing rocks or hiking in the wilderness. After getting my PhD in Psychology from Yale University (2017-2022), I started a new journey in UX Research at Google in the Bay Area.

You can learn more about me here, my research here, get my CV here, check out my LinkedIn and Google Scholar, and feel free to contact me!

(Updated Aug 2024)

2 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Hi Xin,

    Wen here! I believe we met in another conference last year. I unfortunately missed your talk in CDS (I was so close! What a bummer!!). Do you have a manuscript or read-only slides that you’d like to share? I am so curious about your work!

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