Why Should I Use Modafinil?

Have you ever used a nootropic? If you’ve ever tasted tea or coffee, then the answer to that is yes. And the same goes if you’ve inhaled nicotine, or consumed turmeric, ginseng, or gingko, all of which are psychoactive substances. While we might not be fully aware of it, we are surrounded by nootropic substances every day, and in most cases make regular use of them, even if it’s just a cappuccino or a matcha latte.

At which point you might be asking, what exactly is a nootropic? As intriguing as the term might sound, nootropics (some of which are referred to as smart drugs), are simply substances–possibly natural, possibly synthetic–that affect your brain and your cognitive functions. Caffeine is actually a great example. When you have a cup of coffee in the morning, it wakes you up. If you need to concentrate, a cup of coffee sharpens you up and helps you focus. Caffeine enhances your memory, and if you drink a lot of coffee every day, then you’re probably addicted, and might even get a headache if you’re deprived of your morning brew.

Evidently, the caffeine you drink is affecting your mental processes and your mood. But what of less commonly used, and perhaps more potent products? A substance that has gained in popularity and received increasing attention is Modafinil. You can buy Modafinil UK and elsewhere, but why are people using it, and what can it do?

What is Modafinil?

Modafinil is a synthetic drug that was developed and approved for use in the treatment of narcolepsy. If you’re not sure, narcolepsy is a sleep disorder which causes sufferers not to be able to stay awake. Modafinil has been shown to be an effective treatment for this condition, enabling users to maintain regular sleep patterns and function normally.

However, Modafinil has also attracted attention for its off-prescription use, as healthy users who don’t suffer from narcolepsy report taking it as a smart drug, with the following significant benefits.

Relieve Fatigue

As might be expected of a substance that was developed to help with staying awake, even in people who don’t have a sleep disorder it beats fatigue and tiredness, and boosts energy levels. Users report that this is not an overly artificial feeling, but that they feel they can keep working for significantly longer than usual, while being less aware of the passage of time.

Additionally, Modafinil doesn’t just keep users awake, it allows them to maintain high levels of focus and alertness, and they feel motivated to concentrate on their tasks at hand. In other words, it’s not just that they are awake, but that they feel awake.

Improve Mood and Motivation

A fascinating effect of Modafinil is that users don’t just feel mentally sharp and fully awake, but that they feel motivated to work on whatever job they turn their attention to, without getting bored or distracted. There are plenty of anecdotes from students who powered through essays, along with professionals meeting deadlines with ease, but also a few from people who, having got their priority tasks out of the way, proceeded to spend a couple of hours cleaning up their rooms, and ended up with all their work done and a spotless apartment.

It seems also that Modafinil, for some people at least, acts on their emotions, bringing about an elevated mood along with a sense of purpose.

Weight Loss

To be clear, Modafinil is not a diet pill, and was not made to assist in weight loss. However, it has been reported that weight loss can occur, for several reason. Firstly, some users have a decrease in appetite. If you only use Modafinil once, this won’t have any lasting effect on your weight, but it’s to be expected that repeated use could lead to a significant reduction in calorie intake.

And additionally, there is the fact that Modafinil boosts energy, focus, and motivation, which could lead to people feeling more inclined to engage in a workout. While weight loss is not a primary use for Modafinil, it’s worth keeping in mind that if you’d like to cut some fat, then this could be a possible side effect that you’d appreciate.

Modafinil Use and Safety

In a prescription setting, Modafinil is taken at regular intervals. Used as a smart drug, it tends to be taken when a boost is required, perhaps to concentrate on a project, amp up productivity before a deadline, or remain awake and focused for an extended period of time. If you choose to use Modafinil, then remain aware of how it is affecting you, how long its benefits last, and what dosage you took, in order to regulate your intake in future. If you become aware of any unwanted side-effects, then make note of those too. Taken responsibly, you might come to find that Modafinil is a useful supplement to keep at hand.