Why More Agencies Are Outsourcing Content

The modern consumer is difficult to attract. With so many digital platforms and notifications constantly fighting for their attention, brands can be hard-pressed to come up with ideas to stay in the audience’s view. Yet, as consumers are becoming less loyal and more open to switching brands, it is more important than ever to stay visible and relevant.

More Than Words

Back in the day, before the Internet, creating content for your business was easy. You only needed enough information for a brochure or a flyer, and everything else could be discussed in person. These days, however, customers like to have their research done before even making contact with a business. This means that brands have to ensure that they cover all bases and that their content is helping them to make the sale. Digital marketing agencies have stepped up to help brands fulfill the requirement for a holistic marketing solution, taking care of everything from advertising to web design and social media management to search engine optimization (SEO).

A large part of a successful digital marketing strategy is rooted in content. The modern Internet audience is infamously bored of ‘marketing speak’ and averse to shameless self-promotion by businesses. Instead, they look for brands that are real and relatable and particularly love brands that are active in social and environmental causes. Because of this, brands need to ensure that their content is not just about ‘look at me’ but centered around how their product or service relates to the world at large. Brand identity and voice need to be clear and consistent across various platforms, to convince consumers and build trust.

Stellar content is, in itself, a marketing vehicle. At the same time, it is essential for a winning SEO strategy. SEO heavily revolves around anticipating keywords or phrases that will be used by a brand’s target audience. Therefore, when writing content for a brand, content must be viewed as a funnel for clicks, leads, and conversions. It is not enough to simply write a business blog or guest post that is interesting or informative; Each piece of content has to function as an SEO improver, with phrases that boost your search engine result rankings or referral links that add authority to the brand.

Writing to Win

Just as many businesses hire digital marketing agencies to help with building their brand, many digital marketing agencies likewise outsource content creation to content writing providers. While it may be nice for an agency to have a team of in-house writers, the cost of hiring multiple full-time writers can be substantial. In addition, agencies will then have to deal with recruitment costs, the difficulties of team dynamics, and the complications of contracts, employment benefits, and leave days. On top of this, an editor will have to be appointed to manage the writing team and to ensure that the content generated by the writers is up to scratch. This all adds up to a considerable headache.

Writing can be a time-consuming task. From research to drafts and editing, a finely crafted article could take an entire day to complete. This means that an agency with a team of five writers may only produce a measly five articles a day. This is far from enough for busy digital marketing agencies who hope to scale up their operations. Sure, freelance writers can help time and again, but they can be notoriously unreliable and vary greatly in ability. Hence, many digital agencies have turned to expert content service providers such as FATJOE to produce magazine-quality content for their clients.

Specialized content service providers focus solely on the creation of outstanding content for agencies and marketing teams. As their core service is writing, they can ensure a consistently high level of composition that stays aligned with the client’s brand voice. With a large team of writers, these content providers can also adhere to challenging deadlines and fast turn-around times, sometimes even assigning multiple writers to work together on a single brief. Agencies need not even come up with ideas for content as these providers can take care of the whole deal—from topic creation to publishing.

Some of these service providers additionally provide SEO services, with keyword research packages that allow agencies to pinpoint the keywords that their target audience is searching for. These providers then produce an in-depth report that includes search intent and recommended actions to help agencies achieve the quickest improvements in search results. This service can assist agencies in strengthening their digital marketing strategy and attaining better results for their clients. Best of all, these keyword research reports are white label, meaning that they will be marked with the agency’s branding and can be passed on directly to clients.

With the online landscape becoming increasingly competitive, many brands are turning to digital marketing agencies to help create content that will turn heads and win hearts. By using the services of elite content creation service providers, digital marketing agencies can wow their clients, and enjoy a no-fuss approach to creating compelling content.