Best Small Business Start-Up Ideas for 2022 and Beyond

If you’ve just graduated college or even retired from your traditional day job but aren’t ready to toss in the towel quite yet (many Americans are working into their 70s and even 80s these days), starting a small business might be the right option for you. But in the gig culture and with the internet at your disposal, choosing the right start-up might seem like a daunting task at worst and a hassle at best.

From freelance writing to landscaping, there are hundreds of small business choices to choose from. One thing that’s not hard to get a handle on is the extra cash you will need to get your business off the ground. While some businesses require more capital than others, the old cliché comes vividly to mind: it takes money to make money. 

Fortunately, in 2022 applying for a small business loan is as easy as booting up your laptop and Googling “small business loans” (SBAs). Once you find the one that works for you and your present financial situation, it’s just a matter of filling out an online application and punching the Enter key. Some SBAs are approved immediately or within a few hours. 

But the original question prevails. What kind of small business is the right choice for 2022 and beyond? According to a recent report, it all begins with ideas. Says the co-founder of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, if you’re trying to think up a good idea, you probably won’t come up with a good idea at all. What you need to do is find a solution to a problem that you’ve experienced.  

If you’ve contemplated a solution to an existing problem that you encounter, perhaps on a daily basis, you might already be on the path to starting your own business, which translates into being your own boss. 

With this in mind, here are some lucrative small business start-up ideas for 2002 and beyond that promise to guide you on the path to self-employment and the satisfaction that can only come from working for yourself (and not the man). 

Handyman for Hire

If you’re the type of man or woman who always seems to be busying themselves around the house, fixing and maintaining things, or if you often find yourself being called upon by friends who require small projects to be done, you might make an excellent handyman for hire. 

So how do you get started? 

You can create a website showing off some of your projects. You can also enter into a competitive analysis that will help you determine what your time is worth. You can also ask friends and family for referrals. 

Being a handyman is a great idea if you’ve built up a comprehensive set of skills to help others repair their property and homes. You might consider specializing in something like cabinetry, finish carpentry, and/or roofing. You can expand as your clientele grows. 

Keep in mind you might need insurance and licensing to tackle certain larger-sized projects. 

Online Dating Consultant for Hire

According to freelance experts, dating consultants charge by the hour. They assist people in creating successful and effective online dating profiles. They also source possible, if not probable, matches from outside the usual online dating channels. The bottom line is that a dating consultant offers a level of personalization a dating site like Zoosk cannot. 

If you have a knack for matchmaking, you might have found the perfect freelance career. Online dating consultants are said to possess strong interpersonal and communication skills. You also don’t need a special license, although you will require a nice website. 

You can earn a certification for the field at IAP College relationship coat certification and other programs like it.  

Certified Personal Trainer for Hire

Into fitness? As a certified personal trainer, you can get paid for in-home training consultations. You will also be compensated for exercise regimens and personalized nutrition, and even “community boot camps.” The latter is a great way to spread the word about your new business. 

You can utilize social media like Instagram with free exercise videos, inspirational quotes, and delicious nutritional snack ideas. 

Freelance Writer for Hire

Some experts will tell you there’s never been a better time to be a freelance writer. If you have writing skills, there is definitely someone out there willing to pay well for great content. You can write magazine articles, website copy, blog posts, influencer posts, and books for Amazon KDP or a variety of independent and traditional publishers.  

It’s important to make certain you have a body of published work to show potential clients. Hitting the New York Times bestseller list and winning a few awards helps also. The best part about freelance writing? You can do it from anywhere in the world.