How to Make a Successful Political Campaign Video

An effective political video can have a strong influence on your campaign outcomes. Although only ten percent of an electorate might be swing voters, converting them could be enough to give you the edge over your opponent. In addition, a great political ad can help to further cement support from your existing voters, who will share your ad with your social circle and become advocates of your candidacy. Here is how you can create a successful political campaign video.

Know Your Audience

The first thing you need to do before starting any political campaign is to research your audience. Understanding your voters and the issues that they care about is essential in formulating winning policies and creating advertising campaigns that center on said policies. There are many ways to get to know your voter base. You can hold meet-and-greet events at town halls or conduct polls across major online publications.

Once you have an idea of your audience, create template profiles for your voters. For instance, ‘Rachel’ could be a 40-year-old married woman from Ohio, with two young children, a wage of $60,000 a year, and a significant mortgage debt. Create focus groups with people from your ideal voter pool and find out what matters most to them. Use A/B testing with your focus groups to identify which arguments and messages work best.

Choose a Clear Message

The script used in your ad plays a crucial role in getting your core message across to your audience. Often, a short and simple message can be easier to understand and remember and thus more effective than a long and complicated one. However, this depends on the format, medium, and purpose of your ad. If you are making certain claims or assurances, you may need to back them up with additional information.

One example of a political ad that had a clear and memorable message is “Prouder, Stronger, Better” (better known as “Morning in America”), a television commercial that was part of Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign. Its concise yet emotive message outlined the accomplishments of Reagan’s presidency and asked voters to continue to choose an optimistic future. The one-minute spot contributed to Reagan’s landslide win in the 1984 election.

Aim to Invoke Emotions

Another reason why “Prouder, Stronger, Better” worked so well was that it invoked the emotions of Americans. Short advertisements do not allow enough time to make rational proposals or delve into complex strategies. When it comes to video advertising, it is much more effective to appeal to the emotions of your audience. Emotions enable you to connect immediately with your audience and capture their attention.

Emotional intensity is central to memory encoding. While voters want politicians to be composed and professional, they love it when politicians are passionate about their shared fears and aspirations. Rather than simply talking about policies, feature everyday constituents who show real emotions. Twitter found that having people appear in the first three seconds of a video increases the emotional intensity experienced by viewers by 133 percent.

Tell a Compelling Story

Storytelling is a central part of a compelling advertisement. Emotions are effective but you can get strong connections and better results when you combine feelings with a good story. A fantastic example of emotional storytelling is “Me, Maya, and Mom”, an ad that was part of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign in 2019. The ad talked about Harris’s childhood and tied her experience to the concerns of average Americans trying to get by.

Twitter found that videos with an early story arc are 58 percent more likely to be watched past the three-second mark. Storytelling is also a way to introduce social proof to your campaign. Voters are aware that candidates make big promises. Therefore, they are more likely to trust the words spoken by their peers—even if these people are reading from a script. You can win votes when your audience feels that you understand.

Quality Production Values

The production and execution of your ad are just as important as the concept and creative. Well-produced ads are more likely to be shared on social media and hence reach a larger audience and voter base. Always ensure that you shoot your footage in the highest quality possible and hire actors that are convincing in their roles. Be sure to choose the right political voice over casting to set the appropriate tone and style for your ad.

A simple way to make your ad and platform more accessible to all kinds of audiences is to add subtitles. This allows you to engage hearing-impaired people and also the large number of people who watch videos on social media platforms with the sound turned off. Furthermore, having your message in writing can make it easier to understand and remember. End your video with a strong and clear call to action.

A political ad should help your audience connect with you and feel empowered about their future under your leadership. Spend time getting to know your audience. Address their concerns in simple language. Use personal proof and storytelling to show how your campaign will change their lives for the better. With perfect planning and production values, your political campaign video will be effective and successful.