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“You can’t be what you can’t see”: A look at female representation in Yale’s administrative leadership

The appointment of Megan Ranney as the next dean of the Yale School of Public Health marks a historic moment in Yale leadership: for the first time, more than half of Yale’s deans will be women. With Ranney’s tenure set to begin on July 1, women are more represented than ever in deanship positions across the University’s 15 schools. The School of Architecture, the School of Art, the Faculty of Arts and…

How a Chiropractor Can Help You

Do you deal with back pain, headaches, or joint inflammation? It might be time to see a chiropractor. Chiropractic Care is a complementary medical practice that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Many people experience great results from chiropractic treatments, even after just one treatment. Chiropractors use their hands to adjust your joints and bones, usually focusing on the spine. They’re licensed medical…

The Benefits of Virtual Headshots for Small Business Owners

Hey there, small business owners! Are you tired of trying to make a good impression on potential clients and partners with a blurry, low-quality headshot? It’s time to step up your game and invest in a virtual headshot. A virtual headshot is a professional portrait taken with a digital camera and edited using photo editing software. They’ve become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the rise of remote work.…

4 Cosmetic Treatments for Radiant Youthful Skin

While no one’s found an effective way to stop the aging process, in recent years there’s been a number of technologies developed to make people look younger and more beautiful. Cosmetic treatments are widely available and many are affordable. Many people seek cosmetic treatments to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. There are many different kinds of cosmetic treatments available, each offering its own unique benefits. Whether you want…

12 Tips to Sell Your Home Faster

Selling a home can be a difficult process. It’s important to make your home as appealing as possible to potential buyers in order to get the best price possible and sell it quickly. Here are 12 tips for selling your home faster! If you want to sell your home, the key is to make it stand out from others on the market, so it gains a lot of interest from…

The Power of Mindset: How Changing Your Thinking Can Boost Your Marketing Results

There’s no doubt that mindset is important in every aspect of our lives. But did you know that it also plays a key role in your marketing results? Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or just someone who wants to better understand how marketing works, it’s essential to understand the power of mindset and how to use it to your advantage. Here’s why mindset matters for marketers, plus some ways…