The Shape Rotator Meme: How 3D Rotation Plays a Role in Our Minds and Everyday Life

The Shape Rotator Meme has taken the internet by storm recently. This fun, informative look at how 3D rotation plays a role in our minds and everyday life sparked debate and discussion all over social media. But what is it about this simple meme that had people talking? Here is everything you need to understand about the shape rotator meme. Shape Rotation and Wordcelling The meme shape sparked great debate…

The Pros and Cons of Automated Testing

Testing in the development stages of software is a chore. You want to root out all the bugs and release the best possible version of your product to the world but the testing stage can be both inefficient and time-consuming. Amid developer frustration, automated testing is presenting a new way to test that leads to a much more agile ecosystem. Why Automated Testing? Better ROI If you are currently operating…

Traveling and Working: Challenges and Benefits

When you’re lucky enough to have a job that sends you to different countries, you can find it hard to adjust to the new lifestyle. For one thing, traveling can be taxing to your body, especially if you need to cross too many time zones too often. And when you’re traveling with your family, it will take time to adjust to the recent changes. But jet lag and new sleeping…

Does Your Business Need a Blog?

When blogs first appeared, they were personal diaries or places where people shared their opinions on current affairs. Today, blogs have grown to become a veritable resource on a range of topics including politics, culture, food, and marketing. There are now specialized blogs on every topic under the sun, from mainstream to obscure. Unfortunately, the idea that blogs are unprofessional soapboxes of sorts still prevails in much of the business…