The Best Defense is a Good Criminal Lawyer

In the legal world, there exists a well-known adage that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. What this means is that although an individual has been charged with a crime, the premise of conviction lies in the state being able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the individual is responsible for the crime. Despite this, any individual charged with a crime must have a solid defense to prevent a…

Is Life Insurance Important?

Thinking about our eventual end is one of the most dreaded activities for the living. That said, it remains an important consideration, particularly if we have loved ones who depend on us. Life insurance is a legal agreement between an individual and an insurer whereby the insurer guarantees to pay out a death benefit to the nominated beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder’s death. According to statistics, only a…

From Scrolls to Ebooks: The Invention of Books

Storytelling has existed almost as long as human language has. Storytelling was a communal act that sought to impart knowledge, to warn the community of danger or simply to entertain. Early forms of storytelling were typically oral, and included songs, dance, and poetry. One important form of storytelling that has emerged in modern society has been through the power of books. Books did not always exist, so how did they…

Who Can Make a Personal Injury Claim?

It is a common saying that you can sue anyone for anything in America. People often use this to dismiss personal injury claims that they view as frivolous or financially motivated. However, the reality is often very different when you are in the shoes of the plaintiff. What people do not seem to understand about duty of care and personal injury lawsuits is that these regulations and proceedings are made…