9 Best Tips To Help With The Post Hair Transplant Recovery Process

If you have recently had a hair transplant you will want to make sure that you do everything you can to help the recovery process. This hair transplant blog shares some great tips. Sleep in the Upright Position Sleeping with your head raised is one of the best post-hair transplant tips. Use two pillows or more, or whenever possible, sleep in a recliner chair in the elevated position. That will…

Technology and Change: AI, IoT, and The Future of Tech

Technology is changing us. Sometimes this is good, for example when minority voices are amplified, or when news is more easily available to those who would not have access otherwise. Other times, though, it is bad. When content is algorithmically filtered to serve us what we want to see, rather than what we should see, the quality of discourse suffers. When we are constantly connected, but more isolated than ever,…