Below I list all my scientific presentations I have given since 2010.
04/07 Colloquium, Indiana University Bloomington
Stress-Testing the ΛCDM Paradigm on Non-Linear Scales
11/29 Colloquium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
10/11 Colloquium, Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Studies
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
09/13 Invited Talk, Conference “What Matter(s) around Galaxies” (Italy)
Thermal Instabilities and Shattering in the WHIM
08/19 Invited Talk, Workshop “Galaxy Formation and Evolution” (Santa Cruz, CA)
Dynamical Friction, Core Stalling & Dynamical Buoyancy
04/25 Invited Talk, DDA 53rd Annual Meeting of Division on Dynamical Astronomy (CCA, NYC)
Dynamical Friction, Core Stalling & Dynamical Buoyancy
03/10 Colloquium, Yale University
Galacto-Seismology with Phase-Spirals
03/04 Seminar, University of Victoria, Canada
Dynamical Friction, Core Stalling & Dynamical Buoyancy
03/02 Colloquium, University of Victoria, Canada
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
10/29 Colloquium, UC Merced
Constraining Cosmology with Satellite Kinematics
08/09 Invited Talk, Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation conference
Constraining Cosmology with Satellite Kinematics
04/08 Colloquium (`Physics Club’), Yale Physics Department
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
01/10 Colloquium, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
01/09 Seminar, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
Dark Matter Substructure: Cosmological Treasure Trove or a Pandora’s box
01/08 Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Dark Matter Substructure: Cosmological Treasure Trove or a Pandora’s box
01/07 Colloquium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
New Insights into Cosmology from Non-Linear Scales
12/18 Colloquium, The University of Texas at Austin
The Galaxy-Halo Connection: New Insights from Satellite Kinematics
11/03 Invited Talk, 26th Biennial Meeting of Philosophy of Science Association
Numerical Artefacts in Numerical Simulations of Dark Matter Structure
09/28 Colloquium: Tufts University, Massachusetts
Dark Matter Substructure: Cosmological Treasure Trove or a Pandora’s box?
06/27 Invited Talk, Conference “Halo Substructure”, IFT, Madrid
The Tidal Disruption of Dark Matter Substructure: Fact or Fiction?
06/07 Seminar, Workshop “Small-Scale Structure of Cold(?) Dark Matter, KITP
The Galaxy-Halo Connection
06/01 Seminar, Workshop “Small-Scale Structure of Cold(?) Dark Matter”, KITP
The Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
03/12 Invited Talk, Conference “SnowCluster 2018”, Snowbird, Utah
The Tidal Disruption of Dark Matter Substructure; Fact or Fiction?
12/12 Invited Talk, Workshop “Galaxy Evolution in Groups & Clusters, Ringberg, Germany
The Tidal Evolution of Satellite Galaxies
11/03 Invited Talk, Regional Galaxy Formation Meeting, CCA, New York City
The Tidal Disruption of Dark Matter Substructure: Fact or Fiction?
10/31 Colloquium: CIERA, Northwestern University
On the Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
10/27 Colloquium: St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada
On the Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
07/11 Seminar: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), Santa Barbara
The Role of Environment in Galaxy Quenching
05/19 Conference: “Quantifying the Galaxy-Halo Connection”, KITP
What can we learn from Small-Scale Clustering?
03/27 Workshop: “Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection”, Stony Brook
Simulations of Structure Formation: Status and Challenges
03/21 Colloquium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Dark Matter Substructure: Cosmological Treasure Trove or a Pandora’s Box
02/11 Conference ”Methodology and Epistemology in Cosmology”, UC Irvine
Numerical Simulations in Cosmology
12/13 Colloquium, Institute for Advanced Study & Princeton University
Dark Matter Substructure: Cosmological Treasure Trove or a Pandora’s Box
10/21 Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
Dark Matter Substructure and the Clustering Crisis
10/17 Colloquium, Munich Excellence Cluster, Munich
Dark Matter Substructure and the Clustering Crisis
04/05 Workshop ”Dark Matter on the Smallest Scales”, Leiden
On the Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
03/14 SnowPac Conference, Snowbird Utah
Can we use Small-Scale Clustering to Constrain Cosmology?
03/11 HEAP Seminar, University of Utah
On the Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
03/10 Colloquium, University of Utah
Coming of Age in the Dark Sector
03/04 YODA presentation; Yale Astronomy Department
On the Tidal Evolution of Dark Matter Substructure
02/11 Colloquium, VanderBilt University, Nashville
Substructure in the Dark Sector
11/18 Conference ”Census, Evolution, Physics”, Yale University
Assembly Bias: New Insights Regarding Galaxy Evolution
10/08 Colloquium, Yale University
Substructure in the Dark Sector
09/30 Colloquium, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore
Substructure in the Dark Sector
09/25 Invited Talk, Workshop, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
The 1-Halo Term
09/11 Colloquium, NYU, New York City
Substructure of Dark Matter Halos Revisited
08/18 Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop, UCSC, Santa Cruz
Substructure in the Dark Sector
04/30 Workshop, Lorentz Center, Leiden
Quenching of Central and Satellite Galaxies: Lessons learned from SDSS
03/26 ITC Luncheon Seminar, Harvard University
On the Origin of Galaxy Alignments
03/26 Colloquium, Harvard University (ITC)
Coming of Age in the Dark Sector
02/27 Colloquium, University of California, Riverside
Shedding Light on the Dark
11/24 Workshop ”HOD Modeling”, Ohio State University
Rambling in the Dark Sector
09/09 Black Board Presentation, Aspen Center for Physics
Various issues regarding the 1-halo term in the Halo Model
08/08 Colloquium, MPIA Heidelberg
Structure Growth in the Dark Sector
07/25 Oxford, IAU Symp. 311
Conference Summary
07/24 Oxford, IAU Symp. 311
New Insights in the Stellar Mass Assembly of Galaxies
07/14 Conference ”Quenching and Quiescense”, MPIA Heidelberg
Quenching & Quiescence of Galaxies; an Introduction
06/03 Colloquium, University of Belgrade
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
03/28 Carnegie Cognitive Astrophysics Symposium, Pasadena
The Emergence of Complexity in the Dark Sector
02/02 Conference ”Unveiling the Formation of Massive Galaxies”, Aspen, CO
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
10/02 Colloquium, Columbia University
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
09/27 Colloquium, Carnegie Mellon University
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
08/15 Conference ”Structure and Formation of Disk Galaxies”, Arkansas
The Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection in the Context of Disk Galaxies
08/01 ACP Seminar Series, IPMU, Tokyo
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
07/26 Workshop ”Small Scale Structure”, IPMU, Tokyo
Summary Talk
07/09 Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium, Heidelberg
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
07/03 Conference ”Large Scale Structure”, Ascona
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
06/28 Conference ”The Physical Link between Galaxies and Halos”, Garching
Scaling Relations for Disk Galaxies and their Interpretation
04/26 Conference ”What Regulates Galaxy Evolution”, Lorentz Center Leiden
Conference Summary
07/05 Conference ”Galaxies: Insight Out”, Leiden Observatory
Conference Summary
07/04 Conference ”Galaxies: Insight Out”, Leiden Observatory
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
05/25 Workshop ”Ecosystems of Galaxies”, USTC, Hefei
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
05/17 Workshop ”Ecosystems of Galaxies”, USTC, Hefei
Cosmology with Gravitational Lensing
04/18 Seminar, UC Santa Barbara
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
03/29 Seminar, KITP, Santa Barbara
Dark Halo Response and the Stellar IMF
01/23 Colloquium, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
01/18 Colloquium, Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
01/10 Seminar, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem
Dark Halo Response and the Stellar IMF
12/23 Conference ”Cosmological Streaming, Inflows and Outflows”, Jerusalem
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
11/23 Colloquium, Tel Aviv University
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
11/06 Seminar, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem
Disk Assembly and the Black Hole Mass – Sigma Relation
10/27 Colloquium, CfA Harvard, Cambridge
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
10/26 Seminar, CfA Harvard, Cambridge
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
10/19 Yale Galaxy Lunch Seminar
On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos
10/14 Seminar, KICP, University of Chicago
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
09/16 Lunch Talk, UMass, Amherst
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
09/13 YCAA Seminar, Yale
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
08/13 Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop, UC Santa Cruz
Cosmic Velocity and Tidal Fields from Groups in SDSS
07/21 Santa Fe Cosmology Workshop, Santa Fe
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
09/29 Yale Galaxy Lunch Seminar
On the Origin of the Cosmic Star Formation History
09/21 Colloquium, University of Maryland, College Park
Shedding Light on the Dark
09/07 JENAM Conference ”Environment and the Formation of Galaxies”, Lisbon
Summary Talk
05/27 Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle
Shedding Light on the Dark
04/23 Seminar, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City
The Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection
03/27 SnowPAC Conference, Snowbird, Utah
Constraining Cosmology with Clustering & Lensing
03/18 Undergraduate Seminar Series, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
The Cosmic MicroWave Background
01/21 BOWTIE Seminar Series, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Satellite Kinematics