Kant y Rawls: Filosofía práctica contemporánea, Spanish collection of 5 essays translated by Johnny Antonio Dávila, ed.: Johnny Antonio Dávila (Medellín: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2018).
Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises. Was a member of the Expert Group on Global Climate Change Obligations of Enterprises, which drafted these principles and an extensive legal commentary on them. The Expert Group included Brian Preston, Tianbao Qin, James Silk, Jaap Spier, Elisabeth Steiner, Philip Sutherland and Daniël Witte, (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing 2018).
Moral, justicia y derechos humanos, Spanish collection of 3 essays translated by Johnny Antonio Dávila and a conference presentation translated by María Julia Ochoa Jiménez, ed.: Johnny Antonio Dávila (Medellín: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2017).
Un reparto más justo del planeta, authored with Paula Casal and Hillel Steiner, (Madrid: Editorial Trotta, S.A. 2016) — therein “Propuesta de un Dividendo sobre los recursos naturales” and “Compartir la Tierra con los pobres.”
Oslo Principles On Global Climate Obligations. Was a member of the Expert Group on Global Climate Obligations, which drafted these principles and an extensive legal commentary on them. The Expert Group included Antonio Benjamin, Michael Gerrard, Toon Huydecoper, Michael Kirby, M.C. Mehta, Qin Tianbao, Dinah Shelton, James Silk, Jessica Simor, Jaap Spier, Elisabeth Steiner, and Philip Sutherland, (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing 2015). The Oslo Principles without the legal Commentary are published as a Social Europe Occasional Paper, October 2015. The Oslo Principles and the legal Commentary are also available at https://climateprinciplesforenterprises.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/osloprincipleswebpdf.pdf. Video
The Individual Deprivation Measure: A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Poverty Measurement, authored with Scott Wisor, Sharon Bessell, Fatima Castillo, Joanne Crawford, Kieran Donaghue, Janet Hunt, Alison Jaggar, and Amy Liu (Melbourne: The International Women’s Development Agency 2014).
Tax Abuses, Poverty and Human Rights, produced by the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) Task Force on Illicit Financial Flows, Poverty and Human Rights, chaired by Thomas Pogge (London: International Bar Association 2013). Video
Politics as Usual: What Lies behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric (Cambridge: Polity Press 2010).
General Introduction
1. What Is Global Justice? Spanish Chinese Abstract
2. Recognized and Violated by International Law: The Human Rights of the Global Poor Portuguese French German Czech Spanish Chinese Abstract
3. The First UN Millennium Development Goal: A Cause for Celebration? German Spanish Abstract
4. Developing Morally Plausible Indices of Poverty and Gender Equity: A Research Program German Spanish French Classic
5. Growth and Inequality: Understanding Recent Trends and Political Choices German Italian Chinese Spanish Classic
6. Dworkin, the Abortion Battle, and Global Poverty Spanish Abstract
7. Making War on Terrorists: Reflections on Harming the Innocent Classic
8. Moralizing Humanitarian Intervention: Why Jurying Fails and How Law Can Work Spanish Abstract
9. Creating Supranational Institutions Democratically: Reflections on the European Union’s “Democratic Deficit” Spanish Abstract
Kant, Rawls, and Global Justice, Chinese collection of 16 essays translated by Liu Xin and Xu Xiangdong (Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House 2010). Contents
Gerechtigkeit in der Einen Welt, with responses by Julian Nida-Rümelin, Wolfgang Thierse, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, and Gert Weißkirchen (Essen: Klartext Verlag 2009). Abstract
Hacer justicia a la humanidad: Problemas de ética práctica, Spanish collection of 13 essays translated by David Álvarez García (Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica 2009). Contents
The Health Impact Fund: Making New Medicines Accessible for All, authored with Aidan Hollis (Oslo and New Haven: Incentives for Global Health 2008), www.healthimpactfund.org.
Contents: 1. The Health Impact Fund: A Summary Overview; 2. Reward Mechanism; 3. Health Impact Measurement; 4. Governance and Administration; 5. Financing the Health Impact Fund; 6. A Moral Argument for Creating the Health Impact Fund; 7. The Last Mile Problem; 8. An Economic Analysis of Patents and the Health Impact Fund; 9. Alternative and Complementary Solutions; 10. The Health Impact Fund: A Cost-effective, Feasible Plan for Improving Human Health Worldwide.
World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms, second, expanded edition (Cambridge: Polity Press 2008). Italian Chinese German Japanese
General Introduction
1. Human Flourishing and Universal Justice German Abstract
2. How Should Human Rights be Conceived? Abstract
3. Loopholes in Moralities German Abstract
4. Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Italian Abstract
5. The Bounds of Nationalism Abstract
6. Achieving Democracy Abstract
7. Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty German Abstract
8. Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for a Global Resources Dividend Finnish Spanish Portuguese German Classic Abstract
9. Pharmaceutical Innovation: Must We Exclude the Poor? Spanish German
Last Words
John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice in a thoroughly revised English translation by Michelle Kosch (New York: Oxford University Press 2007). German, original Chinese
Contents: 1. Biography; 2. The Focus on the Basic Structure; 3. A Top-Tier Criterion of Justice; 4. The Basic Idea: Justice as Fairness; 5. The First Principle of Justice; 6. The Second Principle of Justice; 7. A Rawlsian Society; 8. On Justification; 9. The Reception of Justice as Fairness; Conclusion.
World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms (Cambridge: Polity Press 2002). Discussion of the book on “Ideas and Issues” (WETS-FM). Spanish Turkish
John Rawls, in the book series Denker (München: C. H. Beck Verlag 1994). German, with Abstract English Chinese
Realizing Rawls (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1989). Chinese French
Abstract: Part One defends Rawls’s focus on basic social institutions, and his maximin idea, against the criticisms of Nozick and Sandel. Part Two critically develops Rawls’s criterion of justice — accommodating basic social and economic needs under the first principle; education, employment, and health care under the opportunity principle; and leisure under the difference principle. Part Three shows, on internal and external grounds, that Rawls’s conception must today apply to the world at large. Properly specified, Rawls’s criterion yields plausible priorities for global institutional reform and can help move international relations from modus vivendi toward overlapping consensus on values.
Kant, Rawls, and Global Justice (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International 1983).