and Yale Global Justice Program recent activities
“Averting Pollution-Caused Harm in Lower-Income Countries: An Ecological Impact Fund,” joint winner of the Office of Health Economics Innovation Policy Prize 2024, award ceremony January 28, 2025.
„Kooperation im Kampf gegen Hunger wiederbeleben: Ein Impuls für Multilateralismus ist ein Gewinn für Deutschland“ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) MEMO, 05. Febr. 2025.
“Global Structural Reform: Poverty, Freedom, Justice, and Innovation,” In Pursuit of Development with Dan Banik, February 7, 2024.
“Freedom, Poverty, and Impact Rewards” in Social Philosophy and Policy Volume 40, Issue 1 (Summer 2023), 210–232, published online 05 February 2024.
“An Ecological Impact Fund” in Green and Low-Carbon Economy 2023, Vol. 1(1) 15–21, published online 13 January 2023.
“Poverty” in Mortimer Sellers and Stephan Kirste, eds.: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Dordrecht: Springer 2023), published online 06 December 2022.
“Just Rules for Innovative Pharmaceuticals,” Philosophies, Vol. 7, No. 4, 79, published online 12 July 2022.
Debate about global health with Germany’s new Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, 19 October 2021.
“The Health Impact Fund: How to Make New Medicines Accessible to All” in Solomon Benatar and Gillian Brock, eds.: Global Health and Ethical Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021), 394–405.
„Die Oslo Prinzipien als faire Lösung der drohenden ökologischen Katastrophe“ in Stascha Rohmer & Georg Toepfer (Hg.): Anthropozän – Klimawandel – Biodiversität: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das gewandelte Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur (München: Verlag Karl Alber 2021), 147–170.
“Can Liberalism Envision a Widely Acceptable World Order?” in Yun-han Chu and Yongnian Zheng, eds.:The Decline of the Western-Centric World and the Emerging New Global Order (Abingdon & New York: Routledge 2021), Chapter 6.
“Welcome to Journal ASAP” in Journal ASAP, Issue 1, 1:1 (July 2021), 1–23.
“A new deal after COVID-19,” authored with Krishen Mehta, Globalizations, 21 June 2021.
“Fighting global poverty,” in International Journal of Law in Context, volume 13, special issue 4 (Global Social Indicators: Constructing Transnational Legitimacy), December 2017, pp. 512-526, published online January 3, 2018.
“The Hunger Games” in Food Ethics, volume 1, issue 1, 9–27; first online June 3, 2016, freely downloadable at
Global Tax Fairness, edited with Krishen Mehta (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016) — therein editors’ “Introduction: The Moral Significance of Tax-Motivated Illicit Financial Outflows,” 1–13.