
SYNC is an annual linguistics conference that serves as a platform for graduate students from Stony Brook, Yale, NYU, and CUNY to disseminate research results, exchange ideas, and more broadly, foster a sense of community. The conference allows for graduate students of the four participating universities to present original research to their colleagues in an open and inviting setting. SYNC welcomes talks from theoretical and applied areas of linguistics, showcasing the diverse interests of graduate students in the area.

This year, Yale University will be hosting the 23rd iteration on March 4, 2023!

Abstracts: See the Call For Papers for abstract submission information

Registration: Register using this Google form

Program is located at this link

Contact: You can get in touch with us by emailing the conference organizers at sync23yale@gmail.com

The adorable happy wug in the background is courtesy of legendary former Yale post-bac Irene Yi!