- Member at large Yale FAS Senate.
- Review committee for various language instructors (2015-2017)
- ITS Teaching & Learning Committee (2013-2015)
- Review Committee for O’Leary-Cepeda, Niebla and Class of 2004 Fellowhips (2008-2010, 2013, 2016, 2017)
- Committee for the Economic Status of the Faculty (2010-2012)
- Review committee: ELP faculty (2010)
- Language Study Committee (2004-2006)
Placement Exams and Online Assignments
The most valuable contribution that I have made to the Spanish language program is the creation and and maintenance of the online placement exam. In the late fall of 2011, at the request of the Department, I transferred our existing language placement exam to an online format using the ClassesV2 “Test and Quizzes” tool. After piloting the exam in the spring of 2012, it was administered online to over 600 students, with similarly high numbers in the subsequent two years. The new format makes the assessment readily available to students across the globe over an extended period, eliminates the time lectors spend proctoring the exam, and simplifies the evaluation process. We used that particular iteration of the online placement exam through the summer of 2017, after which I assisted in transferring the exam to a different platform and voluntarily relinquished my duties to a younger colleague. On a smaller scale, I assisted mhy colleague, Terry Seymour, in the creation of online homework assignments for SPAN 243, Advanced Grammar. I enjoy helping my colleagues and look forward to working with them on future projects. The placement exam and other online resources that I have created helped me forge strong professional ties with Yale’s Instructional Technology team, whose support and patience has been boundless.
Day of the Dead Altar
Over the last decade I designed and created three Day of the Dead altars in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, which served as both a commemorative and educational installations. In 2014 we invited students from the Latin American Student Organization to act as curators or guides to students from our language classes.
- Co-organizer, Outreach workshop: “Engaging Heritage Learners: Meeting the Challenges” (Spring 2014)
- Outreach Event. Spanish Culture Day, New Haven Public Library Children’s Room (Fall 2013)