The Yale Rec Ultimate Men’s (YRUM) Newsgroup

The YRUM newsgroup serves as a forum for discussion about practices, tournaments and Ultimate in general. It is also a place for banter, a variety of humorous stories and videos, and finding out where other members of the team are gathering on weekends, etc.

The newsgroup is on Google groups. Once you have access, you can post by emailing “”

color_image_1Getting Access to YRUM

You should become a YRUM member using a personal Google account, not your EliApps account or Yale email. If you don’t have a Google account, you can get one here.

1. Go to Click “apply for membership.” If you’re not logged into Google, you’ll be asked to sign in.

2. Put “I’m a superfly rookie” or something similar in the “additional info” box so we know you’re not a spammer or investigative journalist.

3. Wait for one of the captains to let you in. They all automatically get sent emails when you apply, so it should happen pretty quickly. If you selected “No Email”, you’re done.

color_image_3Setting up a Filter

You can set up a filter for the post if you don’t want a ton of emails flooding your main inbox.

1. In the left bar of gmail, click “More”, and then make a new label called something like “YRUM”.

2. Click the gear icon by the search bar to get to gmail settings. Go to the “Filters” tab, and then click “Create a new filter.”

3.Put “” in the “To” field. On the next page click “Skip Inbox” and “Apply Label,” then select “YRUM”. If you want to use your gmail inbox for the post, you’re done.

Need help?

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with the Newsgroup, feel free to contact any of the captains or the webmaster.


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