- Joseph L. Angel in Dead Sea Discoveries 20.1 (2013): 149-51.
- Raʿanan Boustan in AJS Review 38.2 (November 2014): 458-60.
- Gregg E. Gardner in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 76.1 (2014) 177-178.
- Jonathan Henry in Enoch Seminar Online, RES 2012.09.03. Posted September 13, 2012 <http://www.enochseminar.org//drupal/node/7352>.
- Jon Kelsen in Yeshiva University Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization Blog, May 22, 2014. <http://blogs.yu.edu/cjl/2014/05/22/review-of-fraade-_legal-fictions-studies-of-law-and-narrative-in-the-discursive-worlds-of-ancient-jewish-sectarians-and-sages_/>.
- Jonathan S. Milgram in Journal of the American Oriental Society 134.4 (2014): 748-50.
- Ron Naiweld in Revue des études juives 172.1-2 (Janvier-Juin 2013): 226-230.