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Kant’s Ethics Seminar


Kant, Critique of Practical Reason (C) (in PP )
Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (G) (in PP )
Kant, Metaphysics of Morals  (MM) (in PP )
Kant, Practical Philosophy (PP )
Kant, Religion Within the Limits of Mere Reason (R )
Allen Wood, Kant�s Ethical Thought (KET )

These books should all be purchased.  They are available from Shaman Drum Bookshop, 311-315 S. State St.

January 10 Organizational Meeting

24  KET: 1-14, 193-336

31  MM (PP: 355-385,509-540)

February 7 MM (PP: 543-603); KET: 321-336

14  MM
�On a supposed right to lie . . . �  (PP: 605-617)
�What is enlightenment?� (PP: 11-23)
�On the wrongfulness of unauthorized publication) (PP: 23-36)

21  G (PP: 43-60), KET: 17-49

March 7 G (PP: 61-78), KET: 50-110

14  G (PP: 78-93), KET: 111-155

21  G (PP: 81-93), KET: 156-190

28  G (PP: 94-108)

April 4 C (PP: 139-180)

11  C (PP: 180-276)

18  R: 33-102

Secondary Literature Available through JSTOR

Henry Allison, “Morality and Freedom: Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis”
Stephen Darwall, “Autonomist Internalism and the Justification of Morals”
Stephen Darwall, “Kantian Practical Reason Defended”
Stephen Darwall, “Two Kinds of Respect”
David Gauthier, “The Unity of Reason: A Subversive Reinterpretation of Kant”
Barbara Herman, “Mutual Aid and Respect for Persons”
Barbara Herman, “On the Value of Acting from the Motive of Duty”
Barbara Herman, “The Practice of Moral Judgment”
Thomas E. Hill, Jr., “Humanity as an End in Itself”
Thomas E. Hill, Jr., “Kantian Constructivism in Ethics”
Thomas E. Hill, Jr., “The Hypothetical Imperative”
Christine Korsgaard, “Aristotle and Kant on the Source of Value”
Christine Korsgaard, “Creating the Kingdom of Ends: Reciprocity and Responsibility in Personal Relations”
Christine Korsgaard, “The Right to Lie: Kant on Dealing with Evil”
Andrews Reath, “Legislating the Moral Law”

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