From the Editors
The Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America took place on April 4-6, 2014, at Yale University. The conference was a phenomenal success, drawing more than 50 participants to New Haven and hosting 27 talks and posters. International participation was particularly exceptional, with many presenters traveling from Mexico, and many presentations in both Spanish and English.
Generous support from sponsors made SSMCA possible, including Yale’s Center for Latin American and Iberian Studies, the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International Understanding and Area Studies, the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund, and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.
The lion’s share of credit for both the logistical and academic success of SSMCA belongs to Assistant Professor Ryan Bennett of the Yale Linguistics Department, who worked tirelessly to facilitate the conference. The graduate students of the organizing committee, Emily Gasser, Dolly Goldenberg, Ryan Kasak, Patrick Patterson, and Rikker Dockum, were also instrumental in each phase of the process, from early stage planning to the final cleanup.
We sincerely thank everyone for their involvement, and especially for the enthusiastic and collaborative spirit of the conference overall. It is our hope that through this proceedings volume the papers presented at SSMCA will continue to educate many new readers on the indigenous languages of Mexico and Central America, and serve to foster excitement and collaboration in this area for many years to come.
The Editors
We express our thanks to the contributors, as well as to those presenters who were unable to contribute papers to the proceedings volume.
“Marcación Entonativa en Enunciados Declarativos, Negativos e Interrogativos Neutros en Huave de San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca”
Mary Carmen Aguilar Ruiz, Samuel Herrera Castro, Erika Mendoza Vázquez
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Retroflexión y Palatalización en el Mazateco de San Lorenzo Cuaunecuiltitla, Oaxaca”
Hugo Carrera Guerrero
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Nasalidad en Lenguas Otomangues: Aproximación a sus Contrastes y Tipología”
Mario E. Chávez-Peón
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Triqui Tonal Coarticulation and Contrast Preservation in Tonal Phonology”
Christian DiCanio
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Laryngeals in Guarijío (Uto-Aztecan): Synchrony”
Jason Haugen
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Prominencia Silábica en el Triqui de Chicahuaxtla”
Fidel Hernández Mendoza
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“The Interaction of Laryngealized Vowels, Stress, and Falling Pitch in Mariteco Cora”
Yuni Kim and Margarita Valdovinos
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
“Phonological Evidence for the Syntax of VOS and SVO in Huave”
Marjorie Pak
[ abstract | paper (.pdf) | MLA citation | BibTeX citation ]
The following files were created for preparing submissions to the SSMCA online proceedings:
- A stylesheet (English / Español)
- An MS Word template (English / Español)
- A LaTeX class file along with a LaTeX template (English / Español)
A zip of all of these files may be downloaded here:
The style guides and LaTeX template are adapted with permission from the ASC stylesheet and templates. We welcome others to use or adapt the SSMCA templates for their own proceedings.