Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Category: Seminar/Talk (page 2 of 4)

Rebecca’s INP talk

Rebecca’s nailed her final talk in the INP research-in-progress seminar series! Congrats!

Hibernation Science Workshop 2023

Elena, Slav and Haoran went to University of Alaska Fairbanks to attend the 2023 Hibernation Science Workshop!We met Owen Funk – our first lab alumnus!Slav is drawing “Hibernation”ResultHaoran’s presentationElena’s lectureGearing up to visit the permafrost tunnels!Just outside the tunnels

Maryann’s talk at Kavli 2023

Maryann gave a terrific talk at the 2023 Kavli meeting!

essential pre-talk rituals (works every time)…and the talk begins!time for questions!


Haoran’s talk at INP RIPs

Haoran gave a great talk during her INP RIP seminar!

Physiology Retreat 2023

Yale Physiology Retreat 2023 at West Campus!

Retreat logo by Ke

Group photo – Department of Physiology, 2023 editionElena, Ke, SlavHaoranDavid, Mai, MaryannViktor is interrogating someone MaddyRafael  is  singing a songYuryRebeccaSlav’s talkSarah’s talkRafael wins the Grand Prix game!Organizing committee – Ke, Marco and others!

Ke’s thesis committee meeting

Ke has completed yet another thesis committee meeting, a PhD is in sight!

Northeastern Pain Symposium

Rebecca, Ke and Yury went to Zuckerman Institue at Columbia to present their work on the sense of touch in squirrels, elephant nose fish and ducks!

Haoran passes quals

Haoran nailed her quals today! One step closer to a PhD!

Maryann’s Physiology RIP seminar

Maryann reported on a new chapter in our lab’s hibernation research during her Physiology RIP talk!

iDISCO workshop

Elena, Ke and Jiawen went to Rockefeller University for an iDISCO workshop! But a slice of NY pizza first (just to reaffirm that New Haven apizza is way better).

Rafael’s thesis committee meeting

Rafael has passed another one of his thesis committee meetings – one step closer to PhD!

Rafael before  the meeting……and right after!


Rafael’s talk at Physiology RIPs

Rafael nailed his talk during today’s Physiology RIP seminar!

Luke’s thesis committee meeting

Luke is one step closer to his defense!

Rebecca’s presentation at INP RIP

Rebecca just gave a amazing talk at INT RIP seminar.  Here is the Q&A section:

Mai’s seminar at Physiology

Mai gave a great talk at today’s Physiology RIP seminar!!

Maddy’s talk at Neuroscience seminar

Maddy does it again, now at the Neuroscience seminar!!

Luke’s talk at Physiology RIPs

Luke nailed his talk at today’s Physiology RIP seminar!

Maddy’s talk at INP RIPs

Maddy gave a superb (and happy) talk at today’s INP RIP seminar!

Sarah’s in vivo talk at INP SRT

After a long hiatus, we’re back to in-person Student Research Talks, and Sarah kicked it off with a great story on hibernation! In vivo!

Srsly, IN VIVO!!!

GRC Hypothalamus in Ventura

Maddy, Rafael and Elena presented their work at GRC Hypothalamus in Venura, Ca!

Elena’s talkMaddy’s posterRafael’s posterMorning run before the show!Join our labs, do great science, go great places!

Neuroethology 2022 in Lisbon

Neuroethology is one of the greatest venue to go to and present Slav & Elena labs’ work! This year in Lisbon!

Sarah’s posterSlav’s talkElena’s talkLisbon ducksJoin our labs to do great science and go great places!

Rebecca’s talk at Physiology RIP Seminar

Another great talk by Rebecca, this time at Physiology Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Rafael’s and Yury’s talks at Physiology RIPs

Rafael and Yury gave spectacular talks at a Physiology Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Ke’s talk at INP RIPs

Ke gave a superb talk at INP Research-In-Progress seminar!


Maddy’s talk at Physiology RIPs

Maddy gave a spectacular talk at Physiology RIP seminar!

Rafael’s talk at Neuroscience seminar

Rafael gave a great talk on his recent study at a Neuroscience Seminar!

Luke gives a seminar at INP RIPs

A great talk on mechanosensation by Luke at INP RIP seminar!

Maddy’s talk at INP RIP seminar

Maddy nails her talk at INP Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Sarah gives a talk at INP RIPs

A great talk by Sarah at a Neuroscience RIP seminar!

Ke gives a talk at Physiology RIPs

Ke nailed her RIP talk at Physiology Research-In-Progress seminar series!

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